I remember several years ago r/Casual Conversation was brimming with interesting and candid discussion. As it gained more and more traction I saw it go through the same evolution that killed r/IAmA and r/askreddit. More popularity means more traffic, more traffic means more posts, more posts means stricter moderating, stricter moderating means less “casual” posts. Before long it was just another upvote machine, and that’s when I dipped out.

So having said that, how is your morning going? Did you do anything cool this weekend?

    • You sound like you know wassup; what’s the quickest way for someone like me to navigate to a suggested community like the one you’ve mentioned? It’s clearly not a URL extension, and clicking the link wants me to send an email XD I know I can search, but are there shortcuts around this place?

      • Chat is a community at the beehaw.org instance If you copy and past the link into the search bar in your instance you should be able to find it, sometimes it takes a couple of tries if nobody is subscribed to that community on your instance. Also, the link !chat@beehaw.org should also work I believe?

        • Thank you for taking the time :) for once, it has finally clicked that I can drop the topic@instance on the end of my “signed in” instance domain with a /c/. Man, people who aren’t computer people or curious thinkers will never figure this place out.

          Although maybe that’s a good thing.

          • Yeah there are a bunch of ways to do things. And tbh, I didn’t do it that way ever myself. But true that does work.

            It currently really is a place for tinkerers

  • Oh wow, I completely forgot about r/casualconversation. Never subbed but I used to see it on r/all often, but it’s been years.

    That said, I caught up on sleep mostly and messed around with my 3d printers. Got an appt in about an hour and couldn’t sleep last night so been up all night, lol. So much for catching up.

  • My morning is going good. I have the day off and a friend’s birthday party to go to later. I’m going to spend some time rehearsing music for the barbershop chorus I sing in, and maybe crochet a little bit.

  • Seems the Lemmy servers are getting hammered right now with the thousands of new users.

    It was nice to finally have free time with a lot of sun this weekend. Spent all Saturday drinking Pimm’s on the roof terrace with a friend of a friend. Then most of Sunday playing Zelda TOTK.

  • It’s going alright, thanks for asking. The only interesting thing I had happen was I had to debate a family member over the definition of the word “juice”. Related, is HiC considered juice to you?

      • It does, and that’s why I had a huge debate. It’s not 100% juice, but it is juice by any average person’s understanding of the word juice (because it contains juice). I literally had to pull up the FDA definition

        • I think that begs the question though - how much juice does a beverage need to contain for the beverage to be considered juice? My initial instincts would say >50%. Like how much juice does Capri Sun contain? I haven’t had that in a long time either, but honestly I wouldn’t be surprised to find out that it’s just sugar water and not juice at all. Spindrift has real fruit juice in it, but I wouldn’t call that juice. A margarita has juice in it. I think you have to draw the line somewhere. Do you recall the percentange in Hi-C?

          • Essentially, the official definition and the colloquial definition agree that it all comes down to how you went to sell it and if it contains “any concentration” of juice. And think about it, if I said “convey that you want me to pass you a cup of HiC without using the word ‘HiC’ while still being specific about what is you want” you normally wouldn’t hesitate to say “pass me the juice”, regardless of concentration of actual juice

            • Hmm I do agree with you that language is just a means to an end, and as long as the words you choose effectively communicate what it is you are trying to express, then sure, you used the right words. But I think it’s possible to still be technically incorrect despite everyone knowing what you mean. Like how everyone calls pencil graphite ‘lead’. It’s not lead, and you’re technically wrong for calling it that, but everone knows what you mean.

              I think that, especially when it comes to highly processed foods, it is important to have distinctions. The word ‘cheese’ for instance implies a specific process using milk as the primary ingredient. There are products that are not allowed to be called ‘cheese’, but rather ‘cheese flavored product’. ‘Juice’ to me implies that it came from a fruit, and I am surprised the FDA does not have a similar requirement as they do with other products such as cheese.

              All that said, yeah I would probably call Hi-C ‘juice’ if I weren’t stopping to think about it.

  • Highlight of the weekend was some light yard work and spending way too much time watching Reddit go dark on Reddark. Hard to describe the sensation of watching so many subs go, one by one–sometimes in a bunch at the top of the hour as another timezone reached midnight. It was a mix of elation and dread.

  • Seconding !chat@beehaw.org!

    I had a great weekend, it was my friend’s birthday and he always organizes a kind of “mini-Olympics” where we just play sports in the park all day, complete with banners for the champions! My body is now killing me but my spirit feels rejuvenated.

    It’s great fun to go play outside with your friends as an adult, it’s not something we do nearly as much as we should. Go play outside! Kick a ball! Throw a ball! Run! Climb on things!

  • my morning’s going really well. watched some bluey with my daughter before she got picked up by her grandma and i’m currently being groomed by my new 11 week old kitten while i ignore a meeting. weekend was pretty good too. got the cat and played some dnd for the first time in like 3 months. we all forgot some pretty basic rules but it was a blast. our wizard killed 2 players at once by dropping a levitated one 20 feet ontop of another one. it was pretty funny.