Hello! I noticed that the original Mastodon discovery thread got deleted, so I decided to create another one.

I’ll start. I’m @darylsun@social.lol, and my interests include open-source software, shounen anime, cozy videogames, and writing.

In the replies, please include your Mastodon handle(s) and any interests. Thank you!

  •  Pixel   ( @pixel@beehaw.org ) 
    1 year ago

    Hey! @pixel@urusai.social here, into games (competitive, narrative-driven, and indie largely) like hearthstone, valorant, guild wars 2, omega strikers, genshin, a whole host really – as well as anime and whatever else my whims sort of guide me too, but those are the stable interests :) also a furry but only really in name? I kinda just congregate around the furries in other communities it seems haha> Chat

    • Mastodon Discovery Thread 2: Electric Boogaloo English•

    • I never did Twitter so can’t say what’s different about Mastodon. But I have two accounts there for two separate main interests, crafting and gamedev.

      On both of those accounts it’s just a nice way to see what other people are up to within those topics, share my own projects, and generally meet new people and get into conversations around our shared areas of interest.

      You can do that here on Lemmy too of course, this just lends itself better to longer in-depth discussions while Mastodon is better for more casual chatter.

      I like them both and am happy with my life choices 😄

  • Hi, i am @shortwavesurfer2009@digitaldarkage.cc and my biggest interests are all tech related such as the Android Open Source Project, the Monero cryptocurrency, wifi, mesh networking, amateur radio communications, and radio DX over large distances with emergency communications of particular interest