I use it for news aggregation with Nextcloud news. Also for podcasts and PeerTube channels. Anyone using RSS for other things?

  • I use RSS to watch YouTube videos. I collect the ULRs of the videos I want to watch in a text file using my feed reader (Newsboat). In the evening a script transfers the file to my TV computer and fetches the videos with yt-dlp.

    To play the videos I use another script, which plays and then trashes the video files in a loop.

    Pros: no ads, no buffering videos during playback, plays videos without interaction (like TV), can collect video URLs over day, don’t have to bother with YouTube’s user interface, cookies etc.

  • I subscribe to:

    • Blogs I find interesting
    • Blogs of personal friends
    • Projects’ blogs and announcements
    • Changes to codebase I need to closely monitor (e.g. things I host)
    • Videos, mostly on YouTube, but also my PeerTube feed
    • Web comics
  • I use freshrss. It is my primary source of information. Here are some of the things I follow:

    • Various Local News Sources
    • Local City Council Blog
    • Various National/International News Sources
    • Various Blogs
    • Comics (SMBC, xkcd, …)
    • Music Review Sites/Blogs
    • Various Record Label feeds (I run a small distributor)
    • YouTube Channels :: This is so much better than going to youtube
    • New Releases/ChangeLogs of various OSS projects I follow and host
    • Various Planet (Gnome/Gnu/Debian/…) Aggregators
    • Google Alerts
    • Lemmy Communities
    • Reddit Communities (We’ll see where these go)
    • HomeLab/Cron :: Instead of dealing with emails, I generate RSS feeds from my cron scripts/home lab notifications
    • Email Subscriptions :: I take some email notification (like new releases on bandcamp) and convert them to RSS
  • after Google shut down Reader, I took my OPML (list of subscriptions), and switched to a FOSS local RSS reader; import my OPML and carry on. I’ve switched software occasionally; right now I’m happy with Feeder (from f-droid).

    Getting my news is something I care about too much to entrust to someone’s server; I’m happy with it purely local.

  •  fouc   ( @fouc@lemm.ee ) 
    1 year ago

    I’ve been using RSS since before Google Reader was a thing. It’s a fantastic way to monitor new papers in journals as almost all journals have been providing a feed since forever. I could go with a self-hosted option but I just ended up using Inoreader although I will probably migrate again. They used to have some entry level plans (they call it supporter plan) at some €20/yr but it looks like they are no longer available for new users.

  •  proycon   ( @proycon@lemmy.world ) 
    1 year ago

    I use newsboat for all my RSS needs, which is pretty much my main entry point for a lot of things:

    • News sites
    • Various blogs
    • Youtube channels (I unsubscribed from everything on my YouTube account, hardly ever login, and only use RSS to follow the channels I want)
    • Podcasts
    • I used to have some subreddits in there too, but those were ritually deleted after June 12th of course
    •  fitgse   ( @fitgse@sh.itjust.works ) 
      1 year ago

      Youtube channels (I unsubscribed from everything on my YouTube account, hardly ever login, and only use RSS to follow the channels I want)

      This is the way to do it. I can’t stand youtube’s interface and its recommendations, auto play, and other anti-features frustrate me. I find that on youtube, when I go look at a channel, I often can’t figure out which video is the most recent, and really struggle to see figure out what I’ve watched and what I haven’t.

      Using RSS let’s me see when there is a new video posted just from the channels I am interested in. I don’t have to go hunting. FreshRSS will watch it through youtube-nocookie.com, but I often find using yt-dlp is better experience, especially for anything longer than 5 minutes.