•  Strae   ( @Strae@lemmy.world ) 
    51 year ago

    I’m gonna go against the grain here a little bit.

    I’ve never been particularly bothered by WoW’s approach to microtransactions. It’s all cosmetics and transfer/name/race change services.

    I understand the fear that even cosmetic transactions can drive game design decisions, but I just don’t think it’s that bad with WoW. It has certainly never been pay to win, and has never even really been pay for convenience.

    If someone wants to spend $20 on a meaningless mount I’m not really sure I care.

    • Generally agreed, but I think the non-cosmetic services are too expensive.

      Some people also argue that the shops gets the best looking mounts, but there are just so many available directly in-game, that it never bothered me.

  • I’m annoyed because WoW wants to triple-dip.

    You really should either charge for content (expansions), or a subscription or load it up with shitty MTX options.

    These guys are doing all 3, and the content kinda sucks on top of it.

    I don’t mind paying for the occasional cosmetic or battle pass or whatever in otherwise free games, but seriously, pick a lane, my dudes.

  • I’m expecting D4 players having a ton on nasty surprises coming to them in the near future.

    I’m guessing that at the very least, once sales start to go down, it’s going “Free to Play.” Just like OW, but a bit faster. But only after monetization for a ‘pay-for’ game has run it’s course.

    It’s an MMO after all.

    Bobby and his cronies are of a fairly one-track mindset.