The game is currently on sale on Steam. Curious what folks think of the game.

Where does it fall among modern throwback RPG’s?

  • It is an extremely compelling rpg. Takes the stance of effectively starting you as the villain… but also gives you the responsibility of determining if you stay that way. It’s relatively short but has a pretty wide branching narrative that leads to some wildly different outcomes. So this gives you a lot of replayability.

  • It’s a lot of fun. You can chose quite a few different paths.

    However it is the first part of a series that never continued. Sometimes be prepared for that.

    Definitely worth a few bucks of fun.

  •  FanPel   ( ) 
    21 year ago

    I don’t have much nostalgia for CRPGs of past, just because of my age. But I thought it was a really good, though it was shorter than other CRPGs I’ve played. It does have a level of replayability though, more than just trying out different classes, your choices really do matter.

    I think it’s pretty worth it for $7.50.