I’m especially curious to know if you made your own instances or communities. But if not, what other notable things have you done?

E: I guess I forgot to mention what I did, which was make a community and various posts. Considering making a full instance but I’ve never attempted something like that before.

  •  Bruno Finger   ( @brunofin@beehaw.org ) 
    1 year ago

    I am actually writing a better Android/iOS/Web client for lemmy :) not sure when it’s gonna be ready though as I am already busy enough but keep an eye for an announcement maybe in the next month or so :) the idea is that its heavily inspired on the Infinity client for reddit.

  • engage with content I like, try to produce some posts on communities that are dear to my heart, showing my critical gf the cute animal pictures and derpy jokes I find here.

  • I’ve made more posts than usual (I usually only comment, not post).

    I’ve also posted a bunch of issues to the kbin issue tracker and investigated the code for a few. Maybe at some point I’ll actually contribute some changes, but admittedly setting up a dev env is a pain in the ass and I do enough dev for work that I don’t usually have energy for more.

    As I get more and more into the idea of just staying here (I really was hoping Reddit would have just pulled its head out of its ass), I may also recreate some communities that aren’t yet here. Last I checked, my city didn’t have one here.

  • I go back a couple times a day to lead those that won’t convert to ad-free modded versions of the official app so reddit can’t make any money off Android users by cramming ads down their throats.

    Also been trying to lead more people to kbin.

    • Forked and fixed PDS so users can mass-edit comments and clean up / remove content from Reddit, while leaving a sign of the issue
    • Wiped my own accounts clean, editing all comments, deleted accounts
    • Have not gone back to reddit (won’t go back)
    • Started a community I didn’t see here (trying to start another but bugs)
  • Made various posts to help communities I’m interested in get off the ground, advertised my fave ones on other social media, helped a lot of people out during the influx earlier in the week so hopefully a few less of them bounce off Lemmy due to confusion. Haven’t started any communities because I prefer to try and help build existing ones.

    (I did briefly consider making a craft-focused instance but had a look at the docs and the tech requirements and noped out lol)

  •  xffxe4   ( @xffxe4@lemmy.one ) 
    11 year ago

    So far it’s just commenting and upvoting. The mobile interface isn’t the best tbh, but I’m hoping to dive into everything on desktop when I have time this weekend.

  • I’ve been commenting, upvoting and posting. Though for some reason I haven’t been able to post anything since yesterday - It gives me an error code no matter how many times I try, does anyone know anything about this? I want to post more cat pics darn it!!

    • As someone who has absolutely zero knowledge about servers and stuff I can tell you with certainty that the servers are overwhelmed and that’s why uploading is throttled.