This is one of my favorite things about the Reddit Dark Souls community and I’d love to see us keep it going here. They organize these two week events for everyone to play the games together. Play online and be invadable, invade, co-op, whatever strikes your fancy. I’m KerooSeta on PSN if any new players wants some help from a so-so Souls vet.
CDN ( ) 7•2 years agoOoo, I’ll download it now and make a new character. I’d missed out on Return to Drangleic for DS2. 😔
tmyakal ( ) 3•2 years agoI’m excited to go back to Lothric, but, man, DS2 was the peak of the franchise for me.
Yeah, I’m trying to decide between making a new character or finishing the level 50ish wizard play through I never finished.
JowlesMcGee ( ) 4•2 years agoI wish DS3 would go on sale :( It’s the only one I’m missing, but I don’t want to pay $60 for it (or more for the dlc).
LemmyAtem ( ) 3•2 years agoHell yes. Can’t wait to get wrecked by the rooftop Gargoyle giants for the 900th time!
As is the tradition.
LemmyAtem ( ) 3•2 years agoFirst time - the one around the corner. Subsequent times, either the one on the right roof, or the one on the tower. In 10ish playthroughs I’ve never made it through deathless first try. One time I thought I had it…then I walked off the roof. The feels were very bad that day.
CrimsonOnoscopy ( ) 2•2 years agoHow does the gameplay compare to Bloodborne and Elden Ring? I’m a relative newb to FromSoft games.
Squarg ( ) 5•2 years agoVery comparable to Elden Ring, I think anyone who likes Elden Ring should give DS3 a try.
CrimsonOnoscopy ( ) 2•2 years agoAny builds you recommend?
In every Souls game, a quality build is a great first playthrough build. With Quality, you prioritize STR and DEX more or less equally until you find a weapon that suits you and then stop leveling up the stat you don’t need. Other points can go to health and stamina.
Alternatively, the Sellsword class starts with one of the best weapons in the game, the Sellsword Twinblades. They particularly pair well with a DEX build.
Also, FightingCowboy on YouTube has great build videos. And in is through walkthrough of DS3, he does a Quality build.
Varyag ( ) 2•2 years agoI’ve never finished the DS3 DLCs. Maybe I should give it another try this time, despite already having played the games for 300+ hours.
Same, actually.
Saturdaycat ( ) 2•2 years agoI’m interested! I haven’t been able to finish dark souls 3, maybe this will be my ticket. I also play on PSN. My first introduction to reddit was playing demons souls with people.