Seems like a good portion of the activity in the communities is reddit oriented. If the goal is leaving/hurting reddit, it seems we should be continuing on like it doesn’t exist, instead of continuing to drive interest to the site. Thoughts?

      • I joined Reddit in the middle of an abusive relationship. I don’t even need “almost” as a qualifier.

        “Look at all these nice things I’ll give you for the low, low price of making you feel like you can’t function without me through a series of increasingly hostile and degrading actions while making you believe that this is the best you’ll ever find.”

  • I’m of the opinion that the fediverse (and more specifically kbin) is my new home to talk about stuff. Reddit’s been in the news and on my mind, so why not talk about it? Talking about other platforms isn’t necessarily advocating for them. And people are gonna wanna talk about stuff. if not here, then where?

    I do think it’s important to encourage discussion of topics other than reddit, but to just avoid discussing reddit entirely? idk. Like I’d still talk about facebook, twitter, instagram, etc here if they’re relevant and in the news.

  •  Anon2971   ( ) 
    2 years ago


    Let people grieve, man. Beehaw getting more popular as a discussion platform is 99% because of the overnight management collapse of Reddit. Of course people are going to feel down and want to talk about a community space that was home for many, many people for over a decade.

    I understand if you’re getting weary of the constantly discussion, but it’ll gradually taper off over the next few weeks as this drama dies down. Or until Spez gets tired of constantly making angry, short-sited decisions and statements to any media outlet that will listen to his rants.

    People will make alternative platforms their new home rather than dwell on their lost one eventually. Even if the bad press makes Reddit eventually walks back their decisions, the way they’re handled the API change fallout has been so overtly aggressive and dismissive IMO they’ve permanently incinerated all trust in their leadership amongst many. I definitely never want to go back.

    I’ve never seen a social media platform treat the wishes of its users with such contempt so abruptly. Some shareholder must be breathing down Steve’s neck real heavy.

  • I’m thinking of this as a grieving period. I was on Reddit via Sync for over 10 years multiple times a day. I’m angry, annoyed, and sick over the entire situation, and commiserating with other Reddit orphans is helping me transition to Lemmy. It will slowly die down over the next few months and we’ll find something else to direct our rage at. 😉

    •  Emmi   ( ) 
      62 years ago

      This is how I see it as well. Reddit has been a big part of a lot of people’s everyday lives, and to have something so momentous happen seemingly overnight is disruptive and distressing (to varying degrees for different individuals). It’s going to take time for us to process what’s happened and what that means for us all going forwards. The silver lining is that because a lot of us are going through similar emotions, we can support each other. c:

  •  Yozul   ( ) 
    232 years ago

    Reddit was important to a lot of us for a long time. It’s natural to talk about it, especially while the dumpster fire is still burning. If half the conversations are still about reddit after things calm down I’ll start to worry, but for now they keep finding new ways of pissing everyone off, so there keeps being new stuff to talk about.

    • Yeah, right now, it seems like most of the conversations are about Reddit, Lemmy, and the Fediverse, how it works, what it’s for, and what defederation means in a link aggregation community format. Surely, we’ll get into a place where we’re all comfortable, and we’re not all still being self-congratulatory about how cool we think everything is

  •  Pixel   ( ) 
    232 years ago

    Tbh as long as it’s relevant news, I don’t see any reason why not to. Like. The reddit discourse will die down, but watching a site implode in realtime is worth talking about even if we weren’t active reddit users at one point yknow, like. It’s interesting and worth talking about, add on to that the fact that there’s some semblance of personal stakes and it’s gonna be p prevalent around here. But that’ll die down with time.

  • Just give it time. People are still in the process of discovering Lemmy, so the reddit talk will go on for a bit. I also expect a “spike” at the end of the month, when most 3rd party apps shut down.

    Beyond that, I don’t think reddit will be the subject of many posts - unless something major happens.

  •  dope   ( ) 
    192 years ago

    I disagree. We should be discussing Reddit even more. It’s only a matter of time before web crawlers see Reddit being mentioned so much, it might just end up being on the first page of search results. Advertisers are going to see less value from Reddit as it slowly becomes just low-quality posts, users who don’t spend money, and adblock users on the platform.

  • like all hot news this will be old news.

    what will be difficult is all the FOMO, what is reddit doing? whats the top news over there. Im caring less and less.

    im intrested in how you’re doing instead beehaw, are you okay?

    • I do find myself almost reflexively returning to Reddit at times but I ended up unsubscribing from like 80% of the subs I was in including everything that has a relevant community here. That’s really helping me care less about what is going on there and I have been consistently interacting more on here than there for a week now.