Never made anything with leather before and it has well and truly kicked my arse in the attempt. Some are longer than others, hence the trapezoid
Here it is with the chisels wrapped up
- miah ( ) 5•2 years ago
Nice work!
- end0fline ( ) 3•2 years ago
This is really neat! It looks great for your first time.
- luk ( ) 2•2 years ago
Looks good! How thick is this leather and did you use some special needle for the sewing machine? I need to do something like this for my spanners, original fabric cover got torn.
It’s quite thick, 2mm. There are specific leather needles which you absolutely need, probably a good idea to use thicker nylon thread instead of cotton, and the longest stitch length. Also I had to use this stepper foot, the teeth couldn’t grip the leather to move it otherwise. All in all it’s stretching the limits of what a household sewing machine can do, one of my machines just couldn’t do it at all, didn’t have the oomph