Firefox vs Chrome in 2023? Which one is better?

  • Chrome lost me completely when they announced the plan to change the browser’s framework so that it would no longer be possible to block ads. Google is currently delaying the release but it will come someday.

  • Better? That’s tough. I think it comes down to preference and options. I’ve been using Firefox for ages. It’s flexible and fast. It’s the only meaningful competition to the Chrome universe. I’m used to the aesthetic and love it. YMMV.

  • Firefox is the last bastion for defending user rights (see the whole manifest v3 saga).

    If it wasn’t the amazing browser it still is, I’d still pick Firefox for that sole reason.

    Plus, did I say it’s amazing already?

  • @ctrl depends on what you need. If you need extremely high performance or the newest cutting-edge features, you’re better with chrome. If you favor privacy and customizability (including AdBlocking) you should use Firefox.

    I used chrome for quite a while, since Firefox didn’t support WebXR, but now I switched back to Firefox. I’ve had a few more performance problems on Firefox, including crashes, but only rarely.

  • I’ve tried a few different browsers over the years but I always seem to end up coming back to Firefox because of its customisability. I’m not especially bothered about speed, I’m very happy to bog my browser down with more addons than I care to admit to, and leave a ridiculous number of tabs open. No other browser even comes close to allowing me to do such silly things.

  • I’d say that if both are equally good for what you use, you should use Firefox. Firefox is the only browser besides safari that’s popular and not using chromium. It’s quite important that it stays popular IMO because the way things are right now, an advertising company (google) can pretty much define and control any internet standards.

  • Every time I think, what more could a browser possibly be asked to do? Someone pops up with a new Firefox extension that does something totally cool. I imagine the other browser, Chrome in all its manifestations, does some fine things too - but if it were really great, why would there be so many variations produced?

  • This isn’t a very productive argument.

    Google is evil, Google writes code to create Chromium. Google builds Chrome on Chromium - therefore Chrome is evil.

    Firefox is Good.

    Which one is better?

    That all depends on whether you want the entire internet to be owned by Google…

    I find Firefox is good to use, and if it fails (for example, to give me microphone access in Translate) then I do the job in a Chrome webapp.

    Firefox should be default, and keep Chrome in reserve for some things that won’t run in Firefox - simple.

  • Didn’t Chrome break add blocking? Or did they change their mind?

    Still Firefox has add-ons in mobile and it works great, even if you mainly use it on desktop the UI feels better

    I see no reason to use chrome over Firefox unless you really need it.

    I haven’t used it in years unless it’s for something really quick at work but everyone complains that is a memory hog (using more memory isn’t bad, but leaving other programs without it kinda is)

    I forgot about containers, I have no idea if chrome has them since they copy each other. There are containers for cookies, basically you make one instance for specific activities like shopping, banking, work or Facebook. You open the page in the container and for the others don’t know you use the other pages.

  • Better at what?

    But yeah it’s shitty Chrome because it’s shiny, always highly adopted and implements the new fancy stuff that hasn’t been even introduced into the spec.

    Firefox is the morally right choice so. Not a memory hog, is stable and robust. Has all the Extensions you need and is overall really pleasent.

    Sadly for some reason widevine doesn’t run with it and always crashes on my machine thus I have to use chrome to watch/listen DRM streams.