We’re growing a bunch of morning glories on a string trellis thingie along the ramp up to our apartment, and I just really love it each morning seeing a handful of the day’s babies.

  • Lovely pictures.

    I looove morning glories. We had an entire wall full of morning glories in our school when I was a kid. One day the teachers asked the older students to pluck some of them for decorating something.

    The older kids went right up, plucked the flowers, and dropped them down so the others could catch them in their bowls. The sight of morning glories gently floating down, swaying in the slight breeze, the deep purple of them even more noticeable in the gentle morning light, the kids laughing as they did their best to catch them - that became a core memory. That was the first time I appreciated beauty - of life, nature, everything. I’ve forgotten a lot of stuff in my childhood, but this will likely stick with me for a long time

    • You don’t want to eat them on their own though, if you eat enough for a reasonable dose you’ll probably trip but you’ll also probably vomit all over the place which isn’t the most enjoyable combination. There’s things you can do to make them fitter for human consumption but this is typically illegal. If you must eat them raw it’s best to clean them and drink some ginger tea beforehand if you want to keep them down long enough and be prepared for a taste not unlike nuts salted with the dried product of Satan’s taint sweat.

      Source: I was once a broke student

      •  Tordoc   ( @Tordoc@beehaw.org ) 
        32 years ago

        Seconded. I’ve had LSA from morning glory seeds and the high was unpleasant due to the nausea. I pulsed them into a meal and drank them with ginger and lemon tea.

      • I’ve not minded the taste personally. They are very hard is the main problem. I haven’t had enough for a high but maybe a slight buzz? I considered them for a legal way to microdose for a while there. May research that some more…