I think I’ve finally gotten to the point on here where I’m following all if not most of the communities I’m interested in that are poppin on Lemmy right now.

Currently just hanging out on my couch, re-watching early episodes of The Simpsons, and reading articles online like its 2009. There’s something about browsing nothing but people speaking with no ads, no boosts, just all genuine conversations.

Anybody else feeling satisfied with their fediverse instances? Any favorite epsiodes of The Simpsons? :)

  •  zork   ( @zork@lemmy.ca ) 
    91 year ago

    In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy’s skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes that same rib twice in succession yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we, to believe that this is some sort of a, a magic xylophone or something?

    Boy I hope someone got fired for that blunder.

  • So far, same. I’ve been using social media here like it was originally designed, with real social interaction happening lol.

    I agree with you, it feels great to have genuine conversions with folks without the constant feed distractions, obvious karma farming, and non-stop ads every few scrolls.

    As for the Simpsons, I haven’t watched enough to have an opinion yet haha. What are your top recommendations?

        • The lack of tracking is also nice. I’ve found it to destroy the performance on my older tablet, and Kbin, while also not entirely lightweight, does run surprisingly well for what is basically a modern social network. It’s got some minor issues, but it’s fairly usable.

    •  Eddie   ( @Eddie@lucitt.social ) OP
      51 year ago

      Feels like thats what a lot of people are experiencing right now. Super fun stuff!

      Tbh I haven’t watched much either. I just hopped on Disney+ this morning, hit play on the first episode available, and I haven’t turned it off since. I like that this show has a lot of heart and family values, something I don’t really see in TV today without being completely on the nose.

      • Totally! And lol yeah, feels fun to watch, especially the earlier episodes. I quote a lot of Simpsons lines even though I’ve watched far more snippets and compilations than full episodes haha.

        “Sir, why did you wait until the last minute to do your taxes?”

        “Because I’m an idiot!”

        •  Eddie   ( @Eddie@lucitt.social ) OP
          21 year ago

          I used to occasionally watch reruns on Fox when I was a kid, but I never have taken the time to watch it fully like this. It’s fun trying to predict what year the episodes came out by the pop culture references :)

          Right now, I think Season 4 came out in 1994. Haven’t looked it up and won’t until I finish watching the season.

  • I’m on the fence, personally. Being able to post across instances is nice, but Lemmy does also have some minor annoying problems that do get in the way of the experience a bit. Currently, I’ve run into a bug where some comments and posts don’t send for some inexplicable reason, and the issue where Lemmy’s web UI simply doesn’t send errors messages and fails silently doesn’t really help things. Kbin has a nicer UI, but it doesn’t have the same kind of formatting options, which can be a little bothersome (Kbin doesn’t do spoiler tagging, for example), and the Kbin instance I’m using seems prone to crashing as a result of load from the recent influx of users.

    I personally can’t wait until they start implementing the ability to move accounts, so I can jump to a different instance, and see if it’s just an issue of high server load (My other account is on lemmy.world, which is one of the big ones), or whether there might be a deeper bug at play. Not being locked to the one instance would also be nice.

    Personally, I’m rather partial to “Homer’s Triple Bypass”. The imagery of having Homer’s heart in a little corner of a screen, like it’s in a little camera/box is pretty unique, and not something that I’ve seen any other show do, even after all this time. The film is also good, and surprisingly poignant, considering recent climate events and all of that.

    •  Eddie   ( @Eddie@lucitt.social ) OP
      21 year ago

      I’m totally with you. I feel as lemmy develops, we’ll start to get more QoL. I’ve been having the same issue with not being able to post comments on random posts, and I have my own self hosted instance. I think it has something to do with the instance the content is hosted on being overloaded? Not sure how the backend works, truly.

      What would also be kinda neat, is if I could eventually transfer my instance over to a kbin instance. I quite like the idea of being able to track my thoughts and experiences via microblogging, and I’m not sure if I want to have a seperate mastodon account for that.

      Homer’s Triple Bypass. Got it. I’m making a list of episodes to pay extra attention to, as recommended by ya’all here on lemmy. Great recommendations so far.

      • I’m totally with you. I feel as lemmy develops, we’ll start to get more QoL. I’ve been having the same issue with not being able to post comments on random posts, and I have my own self hosted instance. I think it has something to do with the instance the content is hosted on being overloaded? Not sure how the backend works, truly.

        Going from an update, it seems to be due to Lemmy using websockets, which can break if you have multiple tabs open (which I tend to have when working with Lemmy). Recommendation for the time being (until they move off of websockets, which is coming in a future update), is to only have one Lemmy tab/window open, per instance at a time.

        What would also be kinda neat, is if I could eventually transfer my instance over to a kbin instance. I quite like the idea of being able to track my thoughts and experiences via microblogging, and I’m not sure if I want to have a seperate mastodon account for that.

        They’re technically different software, so I don’t think you can do a direct transfer, but you can interact with a Mastodon account from Lemmy (although Kbin segments it out a bit more nicely, with Mastodon-like posts being segmented off as “Microblogging”, and Lemmy-like posts as “Threads”). It might be easier since you have no posts on your instance, but moving across is likely going to mean that you’ll have to subscribe and make comments from the get-go again.

  •  plum   ( @plum@lemmy.ca ) 
    21 year ago

    Same! I’ve curated my Subscribed list and I’m pretty happy on this instance so far. Very happy to be on a new forum with good people and all the content I need.

    I think my favourite episode is Mr. Plow. :) Thanks for the reminder, I need to rewatch The Simpsons!