Despite most of my favorite subreddits reopening, I can’t in good conscience continue to use Reddit. The whole community might not totally move, but I hope this can be our own little happy corner.

In the spirit of simplicity, I’ve actually been enjoying the slow roll of new posts on my subscribed feed. I know this might not be forever, but I’m enjoying it for now. I realized I’ve been following too many subs that I don’t care about anymore. So it’s been nice to have a fresh start too!

  •  inasaba   ( ) 
    11 year ago

    Thank you for joining!

    I couldn’t let the community go down with the ship, so to speak. This place may be a small life raft in comparison, but it’s our life raft.

    Also, if anyone has suggestions for a community icon or banner, I’d love to hear them! The one I made for Reddit obviously wouldn’t work here, since it featured a Snoo.

  • I didn’t know about this community on Reddit. My move to Lemmy came with a long dislike for the world of Reddit. As a result I’ve closed my remaining standard social media accounts (or plan to access once a week to make sure I’m not forgetting anything before closing). My discovery of this community was well timed with my interest in reducing my stuff, stress, and tech.