How do you guys celebrate personal wins while being sensitive to those in your circles who might struggle with that area?

For example, posting your ab gains when friends struggle with weight loss, posting about children when friends struggle with fertility, posting about your WFH gig when friends are working 70 hour weeks.

  • My friends seem to have no issue sharing their wins, but when I want to celebrate meeting a personal goal etc. I always hesitate to share because I don’t want to seem like I’m belittling anyone or behave like I’m better than anyone. I’m curious what others do to strike a balance.

  • For me, a big thing is to not only post about the wins.

    Back when I was still using facebook, I made a point of at least once a month making a post talking about my struggles, because I knew that seeing everyone else post only happy posts made me feel like everyone else had a parfect life and I was the only failure. Of course that’s not true, it’s just that they weren’t posting about the bad times.

    • Yup, you are not an influencer to your friends. Friends see you through thick and thin, they’ll hear the good and the bad, which is why celebrating the good is okay.

      Nobody wants the friend who only talks about themselves and how awesome it is being them.

      and make sure to routinely ask them how they’re doing, make sure you’re caring for them too.

  • @ReallyKinda I wrote a longer reply that I lost with the message “language not allowed” but I don’t know why.

    Basically in my mastodon instance we use content warnings for everything, as a sort of email header with a collapsed post underneath. So even “food”, " plants", just as a filter that allows people to skip things as needed. It has the added benefit of letting me post “exercise gains” and anyone can skip uncollapsing if they want to, for whatever reason. Then those who want to engage with the post can do so, more deliberately.