Your can make up one if you wish too but keep things pg-pg-13 becasue why not, idk. pretend this is an interveiw and try to get hired to join some big superhero company or something.

this might be intersting or funny.

  • Clumsy Vision. You shoot rays out of your eyes that make the person mildly clumsy for a few minutes. Not like Slapstick Comedy levels of clumsiness, but just like tripping over their shoelaces or looking back and running into a pole clumsy.

    You’ve won a few battles (like that time the purse thief mistook you for an A lister superhero, ran away, tripped over their own feet, and twisted their ankle), but you’re mostly useful for anything other than occasionally stopping petty criminal behavior.

  • Being able to breathe underwater, no boosts to handling pressures and no talking to fish. You can’t go rescue dumb submarines, you still swim slower than any trained seal or dolphin, and cleaning the office fish tank doesn’t require swimming.

  • JoJo’s Bizarre Adventures proposes a couple of interesting . One villain has a power called “The Lovers” he manifests a tiny ,almost microscopic, insect creature which is physically very very weak (or at least the weakest we have seen at that point), but has the ability of going crazy whenever the stand user feels any kind of pain, so he sends the stand inside an opponents ear to their brain and pain centre – whenever he feels any pain The Lovers inflicts that same pain but much worse on his opponent. It’s also heavily implied that any pain caused by The Lovers that is above a certain level would be lethal.

    Super weak power that is actually really strong if used intelligently.

    • In the British TV show Misfits there was a villain who had the power of limited telekinetic control of milk (and cheese), he literally managed to successfully kill all but one of the main heroes (including the guy whose power was the ability to resurrect himself!). He was only stopped because of time travel by the one hero who was also lactose intolerant.

  •  Thavron   ( ) 
    01 year ago

    There’s a Marvel character who’s “super” power is that he is instantly forgotten by everyone the moment they don’t see him anymore. Seems like a pretty shitty predicament but it can be very useful.