Will something be done about moderators owning 50+ magazines/communities and counting? Already seeing power mods migrate from Reddit trying to hoard as many communities as possible.

      • Well on Reddit I’m a moderator of one sub purely because I’ve flown so far under the radar of the other mods with my lack of ambition… So does this mean I deserve the keys to the kingdom now?

      • The way that the fediverse works should make it more challenging for someone to squat on communities. There are plenty of instances which means there is plenty of competition. Am I missing something?

        • That’s not exactly how it works, FMA in communities and groups is usually that most users will likely consolidate towards single locations over time, lemmy.ml being one of the larger instances. Just because other communities can be created on other instances doesn’t mean there is any actual competition (once late into the game), unless the communities themselves are so far broken or unusable or poorly moderated that a migration event does occur elsewhere.

          It’s the reason why subreddits like /r/pics have millions of subscribers and /r/pics2 is barren. Sure, it’s not exactly the closest analogy, but lemmy.ml isn’t going anywhere. Once adoption occurs, say in a few years time, do you think people are going to move communities?

          Regardless, there isn’t an argument for an individual user to be able to be moderator of several dozens to hundreds of communities.

          • I still don’t get it. If a r/pics mod goes to lemmy.ml and makes c/pics, I can go to lemmy.ca and make c/pics, and you can go to kbin and make m/pics. You’re right that probably one of those pics communities is going to end up being the favorite but that doesn’t mean the others can’t post good relevant content. Also no one needs to “move communities” you can subscribe to every version of pics that that exists. I’m subscribed to multiple different communities of the same topic because each of them are going to have their own slant or take on the topic. Over time the content and comments will be what determines my favorite of them, not which is the biggest.

            On the fediverse I think content is king, much more than anywhere else, simply because there can be so many versions of the same topic. The one that rises to the top will be content based, not based on server or who the owner is. I can create 50 communities, but can I post 50 communities worth of good content and foster 50 communities worth of good comments? I mean, maybe. But probably not.

        • I’ve seen at least one problematic individual I know from Reddit on here, creating and requesting communities en masse.

          They even had the gall to enter the Instance Administrators Matrix chat and ask dessalines why community requests were taking so long.

          I’m not sure if they’ve quite understood how the fediverse works.

    • Centralized power in the hands of a few is a bad thing. People have been complaining about power-tripping Reddit power mods for years.

      Because what happens when they don’t mod to the standard the community wants?

      • I’m not understanding your concern. If there’s a powertripping moderator that’s causing trouble there are options. The group can split and migrate elsewhere, just like the reddit migrants have who came here.

        The fediverse is much harder to consolidate tightly. There are 5 New Zealand communities for example spread across the fediverse currently. One is large and the rest are tiny. If the mod/admin for the large one started being a dick the users would move elsewhere after a lot of whining. This was not as easy on reddit because there could only be one /r/newzealand. Currently there is newzealand@lemmy.nz, newzealand@lemmy.ml, newzealand@feddit.nz, nz@kbin.social, New Zealand@kbin.social.

        If there was a powertripping moderator on a large group like technology@beehaw.org the site admins can remove that mod if it was causing trouble for the overall site.

  • I don’t think anything needs to be done that isn’t already possible. If someone on your instance is taking 50 communities as a mod and you think it’s abuse/malicious/powermodding, report them to your admin and see what they think. Other than that, just don’t sub to their communities.

  • Squatting and similar problems should be solved by the admins of an instance, not the whole “environment”. And you can be fairly certain that someone squatting on 10+ communities won’t be able to nurture them, they’ll be eventually outcompeted by the others.

    • This is true. Even if there are 12 technologies and you sub to all of them, it hardly affects the end user. The true question is: which community will the users post and comment most on? Most likely the best and most reasonably moderated community.

  • Implement elections on a community level. Implement mod banning by super majority petition at an instance level. I think this will matter more with the implementation of super communities that span instances.

    The other side of it is, modding sucks and if people are good at it and are helping moderate a bunch of the community that’s great, and I’m glad they are providing the service tbh.