Spoilers… I guess, but these shows are like 30 years old so…

I have been binging TAS. It is pretty good and its easily bingeable as the episodes get right to the point due to their short time.

I have noticed some themes in TAS that made their appearance in later series.

TAS Episode 2 “Yesteryear”

  • Spock must go back in time to save himself. A very similar thing happened in DIS season 2.

TAS Episode 4 “The Lorelei Signal”

  • Women captuer the men to drain them of their life force. I am pretty sure this exact plot occurred in Voyager.

TAS Episode 8 “The Magicks of Megus-tu”

  • Humanity is put on trial for the crimes of its past by magical beings. Hmm… Where did I see that one before?

I am sure there were more that I noticed, but these are the ones that come to memory at the moment. What reoccurring themes have you noticed?

  •  fades   ( @fades@beehaw.org ) 
    22 years ago

    Yes absolutely, I enjoyed it all the same but definitely some “we’ve been here before” vibes.

    Honestly kind of a comfort show for me where I can enjoy light trek, like lower decks in a way