My favorite game franchise is Monster Hunter but I currently have played enough of every game in the franchise to be burnt out and am looking for something new. What I like about MH is the action combat system, the small group multiplayer and although most MH games don’t have it, I’d like a game similar to this that also supports crossplay at least between PC and XBox.

Any suggestions?

  • For me, I’ve been getting into souls-like games. They scratch a similar itch to MH when it comes to skill-based play. There’s a new one coming out in a few days called Remnant 2 that looks to be on the less punishing side. Not sure if it’s what you’re looking for but worth checking out to see if you haven’t heard of it.

    • Counterpoint: Dauntless kinda sucks. It’s made by the Fortnite guys and it feels like a MTX shop with a bad MH clone pasted on the top.

      But hey, it’s free. Doesn’t hurt to check it out and decide for yourself.

      • It’s not made by Epic Games, it’s just the launcher they are using (to the annoyance of many of us who bought early access which had their own launcher). It was pretty good in EA, but I haven’t tried it since so I can’t say how it is now. Might pick it up on the switch to try it between Diablo sessions…

        • It seems to be more or less on life support now. Recycled battlepasses, not a lot of fresh content, slow rollout of promised features. Still, you can have a lot of fun with that game if you’ve never played it before.

  • Oh, obviously Wild Hearts if you haven’t tried that yet. I don’t know if it has crossplay but it’s a newer MH clone with some interesting new mechanics. I found it to be just okay but it might scratch the itch for you.