•  yiliu   ( @yiliu@informis.land ) 
    1 year ago

    Back when I was in high school (in public school), chess caught on in a big way. Chess. It was the weirdest thing. It was a public school in a small farming town, and pre-Nerd Renaissance, so picture a stereotypical 80s or 90s school where jocks were top of the food chain–and then picture those same jocks in their letter jackets rushing to the library on their free periods to take turns playing chess. They set up tournaments and kept track of win/loss ratios and talked about chess strategies in the hallways.

    So obviously something had to be done…I guess? The school started making rules and posting them around the school: one game per student per day. One game at a time in the lounge. No chess in classrooms or in the library! The chess board must be returned to the lounge supervisor between games, then signed out by the next person wanting to play–not just passed willy-nilly from one student to another! No outside chess boards allowed!

    That pretty much strangled the chess fad. The jocks went back to stuffing nerds in lockers and sneaking out to smoke behind the school, and the chess boards returned to the shelf by the lounge supervisor, where they collected dust.

    Problem…solved? The whole thing was pretty surreal.

  • My high school had a rule about the “difficulty” of books you could read. You weren’t supposed to read too high “above your grade”. I assumed this rule was something with the school library and their Accelerated Reader program.

    Nope! Tried to give me ISS because I was reading “Screwjack”, which I brought from home. It wasn’t even in class! I was a fucking junior. A high school junior should be able to handle Hunter S. Thompson.

    According to them it was “college level” and therefore I shouldn’t be reading it. My father raised absolute hell in that office. Don’t think they tried enforcing that rule again.

    They also tried bitching about girls tops until a group of very pissed off redneck fathers had questions about how they were touching the students to measure the width.

  • A couple got caught behind the high school. Girl giving the blowie was made to apologize to the school over the PA system and then “encouraged” to go to a different school where she would “fit in better”. Boy got no punishment.

    • Yeah, my high school had a similar issue. There was an “alternative” school that was basically worse in every capacity and every deviant student or pregnant student was “encouraged” to transfer. The wild thing was you would still walk the stage with everyone from the initial high school so graduation day was like 20% people you didn’t even know or thought they moved away.

  • I wish I could remember the specifics but my high school had an extremely ridiculous dress code policy at one point. Mostly targeting girls, of course, but also had weird shit like “no large/long coats.”

    What I do remember perfectly though, is that a friend of mine and I, angrily pouring over the details of the stupid dress code, realized that capes were perfectly fine according to the code as written. So we both got huge capes and that was like a whole year of high school.

  • Our idiot principal for my first two years tried to come up with his own rule that shirts had to be tucked in. The written rule added the caveat “if it was designed to be tucked in”. I purposely bought shirts that said they were not intended to be tucked in just so I could be a problem, and then made sure other people know which ones to buy.

    • My middle school required all shirts to be tucked in and they meant ALL SHIRTS. They went around making kids tuck in sweatshirts. It was dumb. And also racist because it was the 90s and the rule was made in response to baggy clothing being popular especially amongst black kids, so they considered large untucked shirts to be gang related.

      •  Juno   ( @Juno@beehaw.org ) 
        31 year ago

        On the flipside of that, I’m a teacher and my first school had that rule. The principal came to evaluate Me and I thought the class went great, everyone participated, they were well behaved, everyone on task. Etc. NOPE. WRONG. During the debrief from my evaluation I was correct on all those things, all the things I mentioned went well BUT a student had the back of their shirt untucked. 👕

        I was not renewed because “failure to enforce the school rules” fuck that school. Got a new job where not everyone is an idiot 🙃

  •  Thurgo   ( @Thurgo@lemm.ee ) 
    301 year ago

    No jackets. My school was using a wing of a building under construction as additional classrooms and you had to take a bus from the main building. In the winter you could not wear or carry your jacket around prior to your class in this building, so you had to spend your passing time visiting your locker to pick up your jacket and hope you make it to the bus in time to not be late to your class. The school was not small so I was frequently late or didn’t wear a jacket.

  • I went to a private religious school and they made a rule that there couldn’t be any PDA (public displays of affection) between opposite sexes. And they ruled that pretty well with an iron fist.

    So we took that in the opposite direction, and I don’t think the administration ever saw so much guy on guy slapping of butts, “Hey bigais”, or pecks on the cheek in their lives.

  • My school strictly prohibits vehicle use, and considers all violations a strong offense that is on a three-strikes out rule.

    Yes, it includes e-scooters and swan boats.

    Yes, it includes whether you are in uniform or not.

    Yes, it includes whether you are in school or not.

    Yes, even if you are licensed.

    Yes, it is enforceable anywhere.

    The rule is obnoxiously blanket.

  • It’s not enforced by my schools, but when I was little, speaking local languages at school was forbidden. It’s getting better now, but at that time, only the official language was allowed.

    Another rule was boys weren’t allowed to wear longer hairs. If the hairline was below the ears, they would be asked to cut it shorter. From time to time, boys from my class were forced to cut their hair during classes with the company of a teacher.

  •  Rin   ( @Rinnarrae@beehaw.org ) 
    1 year ago

    Not a rule, but some stupid thing that was allowed to slip by for way too long.

    My highschool’s firewall would often block the most innocuous websites, but that somehow did not include Pornhub. While they did eventually add it in, by that point it had been a known thing for years with even multiple cases of students going on it during classes.

  • We weren’t allowed to wear shirts with text on them. Didn’t matter what they said; there could be no words of any kind on your clothes. It was some old ass rule that was still in the charter for the school or something from like 50 years ago, and one of those things most people just wouldn’t enforce. My school enforced it, though. Fuckin VP would be out front every day turning every kid he saw with text on their clothes back home to change.

  •  Lmaydev   ( @Lmaydev@programming.dev ) 
    1 year ago

    I made up a monster called dogger that lived at the end of the field in my primary school.

    His arms and legs were made of rats if I recall correctly.

    Ross got so upset that we were banned from saying that word.