I caught myself loads of times scrolling on Reddit while not even paying attention, or while scrolling on Reddit to then close it immediately opening Reddit again to continue scrolling.

It felt just like any other social media app, scrolling mindlessly, for at least a few hours a day. I noticed this has changed since I’ve been using Lemmy, where I might spend 30 minutes a day on. I’m curious if other experience this too! It feels nice to be freed from Reddit.

  • The only reason I use Lemmy less than I used reddit is the lack of content, I was following so many subreddits that every time I sorted by new I could scroll for hours before I hit the posts I’d seen last time I opened the app. Here there just aren’t as many communities and a lot of the ones I’m following are dead so my feed is just the same 20 posts every time I open it.

  • Im beginning to use lemmy more and more and preferring it over reddit. Its much better, conversationally and without the suggested Jesus and Army and Navy ads etc. However my usage is still similar to reddit, ie scrolling and reading alot of things and memes etc. But the conversational interactions seem alot more productive, i like that.

  • 100%. I was so addicted to reddit I would, like you said, open it without even noticing I did it. It was really shocking to me how many hours a day I was pissing away reading the reposts of bots and the thoughts of teen edge lords. The protests came at a great time, havent been back since (my sub is still on private hehe…) anyway, popping in here is fun and everything but I dont think it’ll ever get as bad as it was.

  • not sure if more or less, but the time spent here is 100% more enjoyable. With corporate social media there’s always this vague sense of brain-rot going on in the background. Don’t feel this here. Actually had some nice conversations over the fast few weeks.

  • Yes. Like others have said, the content hasn’t quite caught up in volume or diversity.

    But I think another factor is that when I fire up Lemmy, it feels like r/all in that I’m getting everything. There seem to be quite a number of meme-themed subreddits communities that dominate my All feed. Now that I think about it, I should probably make the effort to block those; I’ve made that effort on kbin.

    In a way, I think it might be nice to have something equivalent to r/popular, fwiw.

    Minor nit: “community” (“magazine” on kbin) doesn’t have the same ‘zing’ as “subreddit”. We need something like “sublemmy” or “sublem”.

  • Mostly cuz there’s a lot less stuff to do here. A lot of my favorite communities haven’t migrated over yet., and the ones that are here aren’t very active. The ALL feed seems to be mostly news, politics, and old memes, nothing I really care for.

  • I spend a lot more time in Lemmy. The conversations here are engaging and intelligent and I actually learn something. Reddit on the other hand was overwhelming as your comment can easily be drowned out by thousands of comments and shit comments.

    I enjoy my time here. And Reddit? What is a Reddit? Never heard of it…

  • What pissed me off about reddit is how it fingerprinted your machine.

    If you don’t know what that is, be scared. Be very scared.

    That meant if some power-mad admin lording it over some subreddit blocked me for petty reasons, it would be easy to get all my other 6 alt accounts permanently banned.

    F YOU for that, reddit.

    Found some anti-fingerprinting defenses, which protect me at other sites, is the only silver lining.

  • For me it is quite the opposite. Using Connect app, and enabling “Hide read posts while scrolling” there is endless fresh content every time I scroll during the day