So here’s the thing, every time I try to move away from Facebook messenger I run into the same problem, nobody else in my friends or family actually want to use a secure, private messenger app like signal or telegram, my wife, my parents, my in-laws, my friends they’re ALL on Facebook and they will never take signal seriously enough to actually use it, it really bums me out that there are these far superior options but without anyone else using them they’re pointless…

Anyway what apps do you use to stay in touch with people?

  • Mandatory “don’t put Signal and Telegram in the same sentence” notice. Not to be a snob, but Telegram is not “secure and private”, all chats are not end-to-end encrypted by default, everything is stored on Telegram’s servers with “forever-ever” retention. The end-to-end encryption is opt in, uses a dodgy encryption algorithm and has some limitations in terms of who you can contact and from what device etc.

    Telegram is owned by Pavel Durov who also created the largest Russian social media platform VK, which later was overtaken by Russian state as a tool for crowd control and propaganda. Even if we assume that Pavel no longer has any ties with Russia and its “government”, his biography should still raise at least some questions around whether one should trust Telegram.

    And finally, Telegram seems to be going the “everything app” route lately, which makes it a one stop shop of personal communication, public channels, news, bots, stories etc. (you name it). While it is not a bad thing in objective terms, these features are not built with privacy in mind, as that would pose quite a technical challenge. This means that Telegram’s privacy and security will only be sacrificed more and more to get more of the social features out of the door.

    /rant over/

    •  krash   ( ) 
      151 year ago

      I agree with every point. The last paragraph doesn’t have to be a problem though: telegram has very open and really nice APIs and enjoys a lot of FOSS 3rd party apps (only matched by matrix). Of course, we can only enjoy that as long the API usage is still free to use…

      • The last paragraph doesn’t have to be a problem though

        It is not yet, but the trajectory implies it may become a problem down the road. We’re, sadly, living this decade, where you can no longer ignore where a certain service is heading and how it monetises itself.

    •  Varcour   ( ) 
      41 year ago

      I like to give Pavel the benefit of the doubt and assume he was not a willing participant when Russia took over VK. That said, it still happened, so what is to stop them from taking over Telegram too whether he is complicit or not?

  • It might not work for everyone, but my general advice is to go cold turkey. Inform your relatives that from now on they can contact you on Signal and then stop using FB. If they value keeping in touch with you, they will follow.

    • I could never do that lol. I barely care enough to talk to people and even I’d feel a little alone/I don’t like inconveniencing people. I do use Telegram for some people, but Signal is just used by nobody I know.

  • Just another reason to not have friends. No need to worry about messages and people getting funny because you 😱 reply to them straight away! 😎

    Is it wrong to only miss not having friends when I need a hand lifting up something? 😳 I really need to buy a remote controlled crane! 🤔

  • I use telegram and signal for different purposes and people.

    I’m surprised no-one mentioned XMPP/Snikket nor matrix. Both platforms are FOSS, selfhostable and thus gives you total control over your means of communication. Check them out if you’re curious (I prefer matrix, but snikket is more lightweight and easier to selfhost).

  • Signal with 2 people who actually moved there with me, standard messages app that came with Samsung for most people, and Facebook Messenger Lite for anything that works better there, or contacting people who I’m not close enough with to get their phone number.

  • Whatsapp but I’m in Europe.

    Useful to have a messenger that also works over wifi. Allows you to go prepaid and save a lot of money. Think I spend 50 Euros a year on phone bills.

    And yes, I know it’s also facebook. It is what it is.