I’m looking for some new music, particularly in the vein of Yesterday was dramatic today is ok by mum. What are some good atmospheric glitchy albums?
bbbhltz ( @bbbhltz@beehaw.org ) English3•2 years agomúm is great…
Now you’ll need to check out Sigur Rós (Ágætis byrjun and the Ba Ba Ti Ki Di Do EP, for example), The Album Leaf (In a Safe Place), Do Make Say Think (and you might as well check out some other Canadian post-rock while you’re at it: GY!BE, Fly Pan Am, A Silver Mt. Zion, One Speed Bike, etc.), Four Tet, Mogwai, Explosions in the Sky, Plaid, Board of Canada…
Lots of stuff overlaps with múm
eezeebee ( @eezeebee@lemmy.ca ) English2•2 years agoGreat list. I would also like to add Mice Parade to that. They have several songs featuring Kría Brekkan of múm.
DJDarren ( @DJDarren@beehaw.org ) English2•2 years agoImpressive that you recommend Sigur Ros without suggesting Takk.
Agaetis, () and Takk are a really good run of albums! I’ve been less interested in them since which maybe isn’t fair.
DJDarren ( @DJDarren@beehaw.org ) English2•2 years agoNah, to be fair, 2008’s ‘Með suð í eyrum við spilum endalaust’ was a great album, but then they veered hard back into the ambient stuff, which doesn’t really interest me. But their work on ‘Odin’s Magic Raven’ that came out a couple of years back, and the new record, ‘Atta’ is back to what I love.
DJDarren ( @DJDarren@beehaw.org ) English3•2 years agoIf you’re happy going a little heavier, then I can warmly recommend 65daysofstatic.
Also this We Lost The Sea record is absolutely beautiful.
I’ll check it out. I ventured into Mogwai a bit over the past couple of days which is a departure from the aforementioned mum album as well. Hunting for synths :)
DJDarren ( @DJDarren@beehaw.org ) English2•2 years agoMogwai are wonderful. I picked up ‘As The Love Continues’ from Bandcamp on release day so I could have it in full, lossless glory. Richie Sacramento really gets my blood pumping.