I’m Enjoying some Northernlion and lamenting about Drawfee during there 2 week vacation

  •  Nepenthe   ( @Nepenthe@kbin.social ) 
    11 months ago

    By topic, in order of how likely I am to immediately click on their video if I see a new one:

    • Viva La Dirt League D&D
    (Including hammy greenscreen reenactments! Beyond hilarious. Top of the list. My god.)

    • Viva La Dirt League (gaming)
    • Dr. Glaucomflecken (medicine)
    • Ryan George

    • Paint (parody music)
    • MTGRemy (Magic: The Gathering parody music)
    • Brian David Gilbert (music)

    • Fire Department Chronicles
    • Steven He (being Asian)
    • Daniel Thrasher

    Interesting/horrible facts:
    • Casual Geographic
    • Tom Scott
    • Kurzgesagt

    • Pitch Meeting
    • CinemaTherapy (psychology of movies)

    Psychiatry (gaming bent):
    • HealthyGamerGG

    • Tierzoo (prehistory if it were an MMO)
    • Linfamy (Japanese)
    • Fall of Civilizations (all 1-3hrs long but great)
    • Townsends (US colonial)
    • Shadiversity (medieval)

    • The Escapist (zero punctuation)
    • JelloPlaysGames
    • Razbuten (highly recommend checking out his “Gaming for a Non-Gamer” series)

    Art (chill):
    • Sultan Sketches
    • LavenderTowne
    • ABD Illustrates

    Art (tutorial):
    • David Finch
    • Bobbo Andonova
    • Winged Canvas

    • OwlKitty (cat greenscreened into movie trailers)
    • Exurb1a (emotionally distressing prose)
    • LegalEagle (lawyer drama)

    • JelloApocalyse (misc/gaming, can genuinely recommend the hilarity of a video about lemonade reviews, of all things. His delivery is fantastic.)

    • b2studios (programming fun)
    • Huggbees (“How It’s Made” parodies)
    • The Onion

    • Please keep this up, because I need to be able to come back to this and check out the stuff I don’t already follow and look at. Since you had quite a few I already enjoy I’m mostly assuming you’ve got good taste…

    • 100% That video where he voice changes as an old lady and convinces a scammer that she wont use any piece of technology because she was afraid of the robot uprising was gold. His ability to improv like 3-4 people on the phone switching voice changers seamlessly is amazing

      • Yes!!! I genuinely think he’s the best improv artist I’ve ever seen, and he can multitask so well. I’ve also learned a ton about scams from him and use the information to reach out to companies and try to enact change.

        Something else I appreciate is that he treats anyone and everyone with respect (no matter how vile they are towards him); not something you see on the internet often.

  • In no particular order,


    • WoolieVS
    • Pat Stares At
    • Northernlion

    Gaming adjacent:

    • Davi Vasc (composer)
    • Birds of Play (Final Fantasy)
    • Tarnished Archaeologist (Elden Ring/Soulsborne)
    • Caddicarus (long reviews)


    • Dan Carlin/Hardcore History (history)
    • Castle Super Beast (gaming/variety)
    • Behind the Bastards (terrible people!)
    • This Podcast Will Kill You (medical science and history)


    • münecat (unhinged teardowns of terrible people)
    • Girl With the Dogs (pet groomer)
    • Sabaton History (history behind the Sabaton songs)
    • Red Squirrel Studios (unironically comfy Finnish birdcams to entertain my cats and help me fall asleep)
  • Acollierastro Physicist and academic breaks down varying topics in casual and fun long-form format. string theory lied to us and now science communication is hard

    Value Select Multi-talented (really) independent content creator, who flavours his borderline surrealist humour with 80’s stylings and DnD/medieval vocabulary and theatrics. Pushes for good vibes while keenly aware of the grind “Embrace the mirth”.

    He’s always experimenting and pushing his production to unbelievably comedic quality, so I discovered him when he was doing musical skits such as Tell me your name again (again) Hit Me With Your Car 2020

    Right now he’s been on fire with his youtube shorts. Not everyone’s thing and if you wanna take a glance, personal favourites include:

  •  BlackEco   ( @BlackEco@lemmy.blackeco.com ) 
    11 months ago

    I really like Corridor Crew / Corridor Digital: I have been following them for over a decade and they have so many good videos where they dissect Visual Effects and stunts or experiment with new tools (lately they have been toying with Stable Diffusion and they did with Deep Fakes earlier).

    On a similar subject, Captain Disillusion is underrated, he’s debunking viral videos using his knowledge of VFX.

    Ahoy makes mini-documentaries on video game history (mainly retro PC gaming) with really nice graphics and music made by himself.

    And lastly, not so much a creator, but a documentary series that sucked me in: PsychOdyssey follows the developers from Double Fine during the production of Psychonauts 2. It’s a very rare and honest look into the creation process of video games and it particularly hit with me because Psychonauts 2 is my favorite game of 2021.

    • Nerbit (video game challenges)
    • ItsJabo (video game challenges)
    • Joov (video game challenges)
    • TheRussianBadger (Video game fucking around)
    • CGPGrey (Hexagons are the bestagons 'nuff said)
    • Jill Bearup (Armor reviews in media)
    • Strat-Edgy (video game reviews)
    • The Salt Factory (video game reviews)
    • Technology Connections (explanations with S A S S)
    • The Spiffing Brit (Abusing exploits in video games for BRITANNIA)
    • LGR (retro tech)
    • Modern Vintage Gamer (video games)
    • Nostalgia Nerd (retro tech documentaries)
    • Mitten Squad (video game challenges / I hope he’s doing okay 😟)
    • BruvaAlfabusa (fan fiction creator extraordinaire / Obligatory fuck you Games Workshop)
  • I’m surprised he hasn’t been mentioned so far, but DougDoug is my favorite YouTuber/streamer. He has some of the most creative and entertaining videos of any currently active content creator imho.

  • My Favorite Youtube Channels (Not in any particular order):

    Jacksepticeye - Gaming and variety content - Very wholesome Irish dude, never heard of any controversies about him

    Ted-Ed - Education channel with variety of history, science, some philosophy, and a lot of good riddles (actual good riddles, unlike some other channels)

    CGP Grey - Hexagon is the bestagon! - But seriously, it’s a bunch of cool stuff about various topics

    Exurb1a - Philosophy that can trigger an Existential Crisis

    Vsauce - Science, but weird

    Veritasium - Science, but interesting

    Mark Rober - Engineering, and pranking scammers and “porch pirates” with a fake package containing a device that shoots out glitter

    Mentour Pilot - Interesting stuff about Aviation, story-telling of aircraft accidents/incidents with an explanation of the technical stuff he knows as a pilot (I don’t work in the aviation industry and I’m not a frequent flier, I’m just obsessed with aviation stuff)

    Louis Rossmann - Right to repair, technology stuff, and occasional cat videos (and some in the “shorts” section)

  • As far’s 'tubers go :

    • Any Austin : Interesting video game (location|unemployment rate)s
    • BlueBoyPhin : Obscure pokemon content
    • Defunctland : Mostly defunct theme parks
    • Izzzyzzz : Aspects of (internet|contemporary) subcultures
    • RetroGamingNow : In(teresting|formative) minecraft video essays