The game didn’t sell well and many called it a Breath of the Wild rip-off, so this is understandable. However this means Ubisoft’s upcoming game lineup becoming less diverse, now it’s going to be even more Assassin’s Creed.
erin ( ) English16•2 years agoShame, it was really a good game and because the dlc were more ambitious than just 3/4 cosmetics, I awaited the reveal of the 1st image of the sequel…
BluePhoenix01 ( ) 11•2 years agoOh man. I didn’t even know a sequel was planned. That could have been cool.
And agreed, more variety of Ubisoft titles would be nice.
TheRoarer ( ) 10•2 years agoThe game was better than it had any right to be, and it really deserved to be a franchise.
EvaUnit02 ( ) 3•2 years agoI had such a blast with it save for that last island.
samus7070 ( ) 9•2 years agoStory wise they didn’t leave much room for a sequel. It gets wrapped up nicely at the end. I didn’t play any of the DLC but the impression that I got was that a lot of possible sequel material was covered in them. The game was really good and definitely worth picking up on a sale price. It will give BotW vibes but don’t think of it as a clone. It’s got a good story and a nice little twist at the end. The boss fights were a joy if not painful at times. The puzzles were mostly good and not too obtuse. I think I had to use Google on a few of them. It is annoying with the extra clothing and style purchases that the game tries to get you to spend real money for. It tarnished an otherwise good game.
all-knight-party ( ) 4•2 years agoSuch a shame, I would’ve been more interested in this game, but the similarities to both Breath of the Wild and AC Odyssey meant the itches it scratched were already taken care of for me, and partially by the same publisher, too.
Jordan Lund ( ) 2•2 years agoOf course, they didn’t have another Assassin’s Creed to re-skin for it… ;)
IONLYpost ( ) 1•2 years agofrom a failed Breath of the Wild rip-off to a failed Genshin Impact competitor.