• The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy

    I was considering suicide as a young person. I had never read a book before. I read it in one sitting, only breaking to get some food and bathroom. It’s a great story but it changed me and gave me something special. Confidence.

  • For me it was the book Demon-Haunted World by Carl Sagan. It played a great part in the development of my beliefs. The most memorable part was where he was talking about the spirituality of science in the chapter “Science and Hope”:

    In its encounter with Nature, science invariably elicits a sense of reverence and awe. The very act of understanding is a celebration of joining, merging, even if on a very modest scale, with the magnificence of the Cosmos. And the cumulative worldwide build-up of knowledge over time converts science into something only a little short of a trans-national, trans-generational meta-mind.

    Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality. When we recognize our place in an immensity of light years and in the passage of ages, when we grasp the intricacy, beauty and subtlety of life, then that soaring feeling, that sense of elation and humility combined, is surely spiritual. So are our emotions in the presence of great art or music or literature, or of acts of exemplary selfless courage such as those of Mohandas Gandhi or Martin Luther King Jr. The notion that science and spirituality are somehow mutually exclusive does a disservice to both.

  • Plato’s Republic.

    I got really interested by its description in Bertrand Russell’s History of Western Philosophy. After reading the book, I realized how arbitrary the setup of current society is. Then I followed it up with More’s Utopia and Marx’ Das Kapital. A true Big Bang for my political views.

    “Every now and then a man’s mind is stretched by a new idea or sensation, and never shrinks back to its former dimensions.” ― Oliver Wendell Holmes Sr., Autocrat of the Breakfast Table

  • The Lord of the Rings. It has become such a big part of my cultural self. I love everything about it, but especially the fact that there is an entire universe Tolkien created, mainly because of his love for languages. That kind of passion is absolutely amazing and it kind of taught me that it’s good to be passionate about something. It also taught me that some thing “nerdy” is actually very widely accepted to be one of the greatest works ever written (and one of the greatest films), and in turn it led me to accept that you shouldn’t be ashamed of the thing you like, even if they are nerdy/geeky/dumb or stupid in other people’s opinion. It also got me super interested into world building, which I’m expressing currently in building a boardgame.

    Favourite part is hard, but the Ride of the Rohirrim gives me goosebumps everytime someone even mentiones it.

    • Two things about getting into LoTR, especially as a younger person, that easily go undervalues:

      1. It is basically a gateway drug to history. The world building goes beyond just “a world”, it’s a history. In fact I’d argue that Tolkien wasn’t aiming at “world building”, except for the minimal amount … but rather “history”, “culture” and “geography” building, which is why his “world” feels so real. As a young person, you’ll basically become a history nerd without realising it.
      2. It demonstrates very well some powerful ideas about what heroes actually look like. Neither Gandalf nor Legolas nor Aragorn are the heroes of that story. Not even Frodo, as he fails at the end despite his many virtues within the context of the story. It’s Sam and Hobbits in general … the little people with big selfless hearts who made the difference in the battle between good and evil. Eowyn is obviously a relatively feminist figure against the patriarchal backdrop of the world, but without knowing Tolkein’s intent with that character, it’s a pretty natural character arc when you’re already doing the whole Hobbits thing.
    •  Azzu   ( @Azzu@lemm.ee ) 
      1 year ago

      Funny. I was going to say this, but for entirely different reasons (I already didn’t have any faith).

      It was one of the first books I read after/during puberty. I’m pretty sure now that it majorly influenced me in the way I thought love should be (not only between Lyra & Will) and what I thought to look for as far as love goes.

      But yeah, now I know of course that it’s not at all like that :D

    • it’s great to see this one here. first thing that popped up on my mind

      and not because of faith tbf, but because that world is so damn cool. it’s the only series I had to read more than once (probably 3x) just so I could be immersed there again

  • I think for me it’s Terry Pratchett’s ‘The Colour of Magic’. Not because of that book in particular, but because of it being a gateway to the Discworld as a whole.

    As much as I enjoy those books, and have read almost all of them at this point, it’s more that they taught me how to be a thoughtful, empathetic person when I was a thoughtless, selfish teenager. Almost on the sly, Terry instilled values in me simply by virtue of the heroes of his stories being mostly good people who just want to have a positive impact, even if they’re flawed in different ways.

    Like, Sam Vimes is undoubtedly a hero. Night Watch shows us that he strongly believes in the power of good, and that people can - and should - band together to limit the tyranny of power. But he’s also distrusting and curmudgeonly. Nanny Ogg is foul-mouthed bon viveur who places a lot of emphasis on living her best life, but she always puts her family and friends before her if she needs to. Even the Nac Mac Feegle work together for the greater good, even if, in their case, that means being able to get more drunk and fight more violently.

    GNU Terry Pratchett

  • When he opened his eyes, he was on the bottom of the pool, and there was beautiful music everywhere. He lost consciousness, but the music went on. He dimly sensed that somebody was rescuing him. Billy resented that.


    I read this a few years after I was in a near drowning accident, it was very surreal to read and has stayed with me since.

  • My Side of the Mountain. Kid gets tired of family problems, runs away to live in the Catskills off the land on an old family farm. Befriends a librarian who lends him books on survival. He makes his own clothes from deer skin, catches his own fish with homemade hooks, lives in a hollowed-out tree, that sort of thing.

    I am currently a bushwhacking bookworm. I suspect it was all that book.

  • I’m a full grown adult, but I still think about the book, The Giver by Lois Lowry frequently.

    I remember reading it in middle school and seeing how sad the monotony of the restricted world was. How cruel people could be acting on orders and/or without their hearts. How educating yourself with different experiences opens your eyes. Among other great undertones and lessons.

    I hope to introduce all of my nieces and nephews to it in the future.

  • Starfarers by Vonda MacIntyre

    The treatment of same sex partners in the story was just mater of fact, these are love affairs same as any other. She made it feel just like a natural thing, and progressive for the time it was written. I read it when I was still in high school in 1992.

    It taught me to be acceptance of everyone, and eventually myself.