Whether consciously or unconsciously, many women in heterosexual relationships put their careers on the back burner to enable their partners to advance.

  • I still get comments of surprise when I explain why we moved to our current location: it was for my job, and my husband was the trailing spouse. For us, it was a fresh start, because he really disliked his job at the time and it was a chance for him to find something new. My job also allows him to work part time and to focus on another aspect of career that isn’t a job (and doesn’t currently bring in money) but is very important to him.

    I would love to see this become more of a norm (is 50/50 too much to ask?), because there are so many pink-collar careers that require movement to get into or move up these days.

    • Nah. Speaking as a guy, guys are often raised to think that their very existence is a burden, and that their highest possible calling is providing for a woman so she can live an emotionally full life.