• The only arguments against fake grass are that it doesn’t look nice, and it isn’t made from sustainable materials. The arguments for fake grass include that it is low maintenance (negating some of the environmental impact), and that it is much better for people with accessibility needs.

    Meanwhile, grass lawns require lots if maintenance (not good at all for the environment), aren’t good for people with accessibility needs, and look boring and unvaried. Meanwhile the upside for a grass lawn is it looks traditional. To that I say, screw tradition. Grow clover, wildflowers, moss, and edible plants in your yard. These NIMBY brit-karens fan fuck off

  •  G4Z   ( @G4Z@feddit.uk ) 
    1 year ago

    I just installed one of these for my g/f in her back yard catio and I think it’s great. I play 7 a side on it twice a week.

    Why would people want such a useful material ‘banned’? If you don’t like it, then don’t install it. If it doesn’t work out great in your space, then you can always remove it.

    In terms of waste, you can say that about literally everything we consume.

    • I have one because we have too much shade to grow grass. We have a 3 storey 60s house and a small, north facing garden. That said only one brand was recyclable at the end of its life, which is a shame

  •  Echo Dot   ( @echodot@feddit.uk ) 
    1 year ago

    Fake grass is bloody stupid.

    If you don’t want to cut your lawn either let it grow into a wild flower lawn, and pretend that that was the goal all along, and it’s not that you’re lazy.

    Or dig it up and set it up as a plant bed. At least that’s still real and not unconvincing polluting plastic.

  • I stopped mowing my grass years ago and let nature take over.

    Looks a bit messy for the first few years, but after a while it’s a haven for insects.

    You’ve got to keep an eye so one thing doesn’t take over. Like I had to chop back and dig up the pampas grass plant, because I had no interest in being sliced to ribbons by a knife wielding triffid every day. Blackberry bushes are apparently a bitch and will take the lot so don’t have those.

    I’m sure the neighbours hate it, but I don’t give a fuck what they think. My garden doesn’t need watering and was still green last year when everyone else’s garden was brown and dead in the 40 degree heat.