I recently hired into a data analytics team for a hospital, and we don’t have a style guide. Lots of frustration from folks working with legacy code…I thought putting together a style guide would help folks working with code they didn’t write, starting with requiring a header for SQL scripts first as low hanging fruit.

Or so I thought.

My counterpart over application development says that we shouldnt be documenting any metadata in-line, and he’d rather implement “docfx” if we want to improve code metadata and documentation. I’m terrified of half-implementing yet another application to further muddy the waters–i’m concerned it will become just one-more place to look while troubleshooting something.

Am I going crazy? I thought code headers were an industry standard, and in-line comments are regarded as practically necessary when working with a larger team…

  • I recently hired into a data analytics team

    I work in Data Engineering and have spent most my time on analytics teams. They don’t have a SWE/CS background and generally because of that don’t follow any good programming practices. In my experience style guides are hard to get them to follow properly even if you set up SQLFluff for them., I can barely make them see the advantage of not committing directly to main (at least we’re using git). It’s very frustrating.

  •  glad_cat   ( @glad_cat@lemmy.sdf.org ) 
    11 months ago

    Yes, serious people write docs. I hate this bullshit about code that should be so good that it’s “auto-documenting.” It never happens in real life. Code is at best of average quality, but it needs documentation. At my previous job they had “guidelines” to make sure that code didn’t needed doc. It was a bad joke and we had the worst code I’ve ever seen.

    I don’t have solutions for you though. You need a combo of documentation generation, code formatter (in the CI maybe, or before a commit), and code linters to check for errors.

  •  pelotron   ( @pelotron@midwest.social ) 
    11 months ago

    Hmm, do I want to open some external site/program to see my documentation or have it already in the code in front of me?

    We use doxygen at my company and I think I’ve only ever opened it twice in 9 years.

    • Doxygen may be required in regulated industries like healthcare, banking, or robotics, but programmers never use it internally. The headers themselves are useful though and show that programmers take care of what they write even if they don’t read the generated HTML.

  • A header might be useful, although there’s likely better ways to (not) document what each sql statement does.

    But inline documentation? I’d suggest trying to work around that. Here’s an explanation as to why: https://youtu.be/Bf7vDBBOBUA

    If possible, and as much as possible, things should simply make enough sense to be self documenting. With only the high level concepts actually documented. Everything else is at risk to be outdated or worse, confuse

    •  TehPers   ( @TehPers@beehaw.org ) 
      11 months ago

      Self-documenting code only documents what the code does, not why it does it. I can look at a well written method that populates a list with random elements from another list and go “I know what that does!” but reading the code doesn’t tell me the reason this code was written or why alternatives weren’t chosen.

      In the case of Rust, it goes even a step further when working with unsafe code. Sure I know what invariants need to be held for unsafe code to be sound, but not everyone does, and it isn’t always clear why a particular assumption made in an unsafe block (the list has at least 5 elements, for example) can be made soundly.

      • …what the code does, not why it does it

        This is my issue with “it’s self documenting code!”. I’m a maintenance coder. I deal with people’s code long after they’re dead (or ragequit). Some are for control systems.

        if (waterPressure_psi > 500) raise PipeMayBurstException. Okay, we’re dealing with water pressure, in psi unit, and if it’s too high, it may break the piping. Self documenting!!

        Except that our pipes are rated for 1000psi. SO WHY THE 500?! Do we have one or two sites - out of hundreds - with lower rated pipes? I can double performance if we raise the threshold to 700, well within the safety tolerance, but AM I GONNA KILL SOMEONE when they upgrade to our latest controller??

        • Ugh, a Magic String (I call it that whatever the type)

              "Durham": 1000,
              "Ipswich": 500,
              "Calne": 750,
          max_pressure = list(sorted(
          if water_pressure > max_pressure:

          Obviously it should really pull from facility management, but that’s a bunch of moving parts where a constant is how you’d prefer the code to work

          Tbh it starts to look better to just define a constant and comment it.

        •  TehPers   ( @TehPers@beehaw.org ) 
          111 months ago

          I encourage you to find a name for this function that describes why there is a second inner function. One restriction - the name of the function must be run (that’s what the trait being implemented calls it, you can’t rename it).

          Sure, you can call the inner function run_inner_to_fix_rustc_issue_probably_caused_by_multiple_fnmut_impls but is that really any better than using two forward slashes to explain the context?

  • Your friend may have a point.

    It depends where the SQL is.

    Is the SQL in a data model in an analytics platform? Some platforms will happily carry comments around like last week’s pizza during query generative phases of visualization, so it may not be appropriate to put comments inside a data model, as those comments could become bugs if the analytics platform is lame, like most are.

    Others, certain flavors of SQL DDL (Tables, views, etc), comments outside the DDL don’t make it inside the resulting object, so headers may not be the right place either. Most RDBMS have meta-descriptors that can apply to DDL so those might be good to look at.

    For arbitrary SQL, outside a brief inline comment describing why it exists, and what invokes it, your next best bet may be a link to a more descriptive data architecture diagram that shows how this unit of SQL integrates with others. You might prefer hyperlinked descriptions from that data architecture over searching thru code.

    As long as comments don’t require continual parsing (a one-time tax is inconsequential), definitely add details that you have figured out so others don’t have to re-learn the tribal mysteries of long-deceased ancients.