I mean, I like Firefox, but I’d love to see Vivaldi based on Firefox/Gecko. There’s Floorp, which is similar in some ways but it’s more like an Edge built on Firefox than Vivaldi.

Edit: Thank y’all for your answers. :D

I want to link !@bdonvr@thelemmy.club 's post because it is a similar quesion. https://thelemmy.club/post/718914

  • Blink has a younger code base that’s easier to build on. Gecko has been around since the early 90s and has some ancient evils lurking deep within. At least that was the reasoning a while ago. As Mozilla has been putting a heavy emphasis on code correctness for the last few years, that may no longer be the case. Then again, momentum is a big deal, and I still see people saying the don’t want to try Firefox because its memory inefficient even though they fixed that bug almost a decade ago now and its less resource hungry and faster than chrome now

    •  YMS   ( @YMS@kbin.social ) 
      2411 months ago

      Blink has a younger code base that’s easier to build on. Gecko has been around since the early 90s and has some ancient evils lurking deep within.

      They both are of very similar age actually. The old Netscape rendering engine originated in the early 90s, but Gecko was a rewrite from scratch that was first used in a browser in 1998.
      Blink is based on KHTML which is based on khtmlw, which was written at some point in the mid-90s, but as well saw a complete rewrite in 1999.

    • The only time I ever had memory problems with Firefox was when I tried to run it on a potato. That complaint has always been bullshit.

      Edit to add: The aforementioned incident was in 2010, on a machine with only 512MB of RAM. Like I said, potato. Chrome back then was somewhat more memory-efficient than Firefox, and could support three open tabs on that machine before it started thrashing, whereas Firefox would thrash with just one. Both browsers performed abysmally under such a severe RAM shortage, but Chrome was slightly less abysmal. Slightly. I seriously doubt the current version of either browser would be usable on that machine, although I don’t have it (I gave it away soon after this incident) so I can’t check.

      • Firefox ate my RAM joke is ridiculous. Nokia N900 has 256MB RAM. Fennec for Maemo had electrolysis (multiprocessing) turned on. In version 4. Years before the desktop Firefox. You really need to go old-school embedded for Firefox to eat your RAM.

        •  ayaya   ( @ayaya@lemdro.id ) 
          11 months ago

          Unless I’m missing something it seems like Chromium still wins in the vast majority of tests, some by over double or even triple the speed/score.

          • Looks roughly 50/50 Chrome vs. Firefox for most of those, or a tie, to me. But looking at the Y axis for many of the test is there really a significant day-to-day difference between an execution time of 150ms and 160ms? As far as the average user is concerned, Firefox’s performance matches that of Chrome’s.

            •  ayaya   ( @ayaya@lemdro.id ) 
              11 months ago

              I am looking at the Linux benchmarks because that is what I use. I count 11-4 in favor of Chrome and/or V8 with one that’s a tie. For the record I use LibreWolf which is based on Firefox, but it is definitely noticeably slower in my experience.

              This is somewhat beside the point but I’d argue there’s not even a reason to use Firefox on Windows so those benchmarks are irrelevant entirely. If you’re not willing to move away from Windows (a near-monopoly that collects your data) what is the point of moving away from Chrome (a near-monopoly that collects your data). It’s extremely half-assed.

            •  ayaya   ( @ayaya@lemdro.id ) 
              11 months ago

              I am looking at the Linux benchmarks because that is what I use. I count 11-4 in favor of Chrome and/or V8 with one that’s a tie. For the record I use LibreWolf which is based on Firefox, but it is definitely noticeably slower in my experience.

              This is somewhat beside the point but I’d argue there’s not even a reason to use Firefox on Windows so those benchmarks are irrelevant entirely. If you’re not willing to move away from Windows (a near-monopoly that collects your data) what is the point of moving away from Chrome (a near-monopoly that collects your data). It’s extremely half-assed.

              • there are options besides windows and linux. I only use windows for gaming, mac for everything else besides server infra. but yeah I guess if you’re looking at linux you’re going to be looking at different browsers than the majority of people. as to why you would want to move away from chrome and not windows, there’s plenty of reasons. It seems pointless to argue that here though, as you seem to think it’s an all or nothing.

  • The code is already prepared very well to be embedded into something. I remember trying to embed the javascript engine SpiderMonkey into a project (I needed C bindings which I then could use in Erlang). After a week or so trying and extending, etc. we gave up and tried V8 which we had running within one hour with good documentation great APIs and so on.

    I myself have been Firefox user since Firefox came out but trying to embed it myself and failing I kind of get why others choose Chromium/Blink as their base.

    • Oh, I see. I had an internship last year where I developed a WebApp and I only got a slight glimpse of the differences between Blink & Gecko but even that already influenced my code so I can kinda imagine the struggle :')

      Thank you for your answer! ^^

  •  krdo   ( @krdo@lmmy.net ) 
    3511 months ago

    The main reason I’ve heard is that chromium is far easier to embed than Gecko. Gecko isn’t something you embed like a library. It’s something you build upon. Detaching Gecko from Firefox UI (or Thunderbird for that matter) is supposedly really hard.

    • Ah, so it isn’t really built do be adapted by others the way Chromium is. Well that’s too bad. At least there’s Floorp although I don’t really have the knowledge to actually check whether their code is fine or not (as they are quite unknown yet) so I’m not so sure whether to trust them.

      Anyways, thanks for your answer! :D

    • I don’t know if I’d say separating Gecko from Firefox is all that difficult. About a decade ago I worked on a project at the tail end of my internship at Mozilla to separate Gecko from Firefox Mobile. The idea being to create a sort of GeckoView Android component that could be used like a WebView component to give devs the option to embed Gecko in their app rather than (at the time) WebKit and for Firefox Mobile to become a UI wrapper around a GeckoView component as well. I only had a few weeks to work on it and in that time I had a rough proof of concept running which was an independent Android app that ran Gecko through this new GeckoView component and had a super basic UI to control it. Unfortunately being an internship project I didn’t have time to take it through to completion and being the Firefox OS days at the time the team had other priorities so I don’t believe it ever got fully finished. But point being is that it’s not terribly difficult to separate the two; I did it as an intern in a few weeks a decade ago.

  •  red   ( @red@feddit.de ) 
    1111 months ago

    KHTML/WebKit/Blink has always been built with the intention of many browsers (or anything else that needs a rendering engine) integrating it, thus it’s very easy to do so.

    Gecko hasn’t been built with the intention of being integrated into any browser at all. Gecko isn’t integrated into FF either. You integrate the browser into Gecko, not the other way around. It’s closer to building a browser in Electron than to building a browser with the Blink engine.

    • Fair point. I compared it to Edge because Floorp tries to mimic their UI, it is miles ahead of Edge when it comes to customizability tho. Maybe not as customizable as Vivaldi but it’s very close.