The more I think about it, it seems that long-term happiness is something many people spend their lives seeking OR they believe it’s something they used to have and lost.

That makes me wonder if we are truly ever happy? Or if it’s something that is always just out of reach (in the future or in the past).

  • Life is a tragedy when looked at a whole. All is given and taken away. Appreciate the little moments you get in a day. Attempt not to let the dread of reality weigh on you too much. I don’t remember being anxious or worried before being alive so I have concluded for myself that life after death won’t exactly be worrisome either. Don’t want to die but I sure as hell don’t want to spend my life worried about death as that steals my time from me.

  • Remind me of a South Park end of episode moral, said by Butters this time :

    Goth Kid : I guess you can join up with us if you want.

    Goth Kid 2 : Yeah. We’re gonna go to the graveyard and write poems about death and how pointless life is.

    Butters : Uh, uhm no thanks. I love life.

    Stan : Huh? But you just got dumped.

    Butters : Well yeah, and I’m sad, but at the same time I’m really happy that something could make me feel that sad. It’s like, it makes me feel alive, you know? It makes me feel human. And the only way I could feel this sad now is if I felt somethin’ really good before. So I have to take the bad with the good, so I guess what I’m feelin’ is like a, beautiful sadness. I guess that sounds stupid.

    Goth Kid 2 : Yeah.

    Stan : No. No, Butters, that doesn’t sound stupid at all.

    Butters : Well, thanks for offering to let me in your clique, guys, but, to be honest, I’d rather be a crying little pussy than a faggy Goth kid.

    We have ups and downs and we need both if we seek happiness.

  •  zer0   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    By nature it is not “possible” it is normal. If your question is whatever is it possible for humans to be happy in a society designed to make you unhappy then the answer is by definition, no.

  • Lasting happiness? There’s always going to be downs as well as ups in life. Stoicism will teach you how to handle the pitfalls in life without dwelling on them and helping you to get on in life. Buddhism will help you to understand that life is full of sorrow but that the journey is it’s own reward and that joy can be found anywhere.

    A perpetual state of satisfaction can be reached that’s liberally peppered with happiness. Happiness is not an end goal. It’s the after affect of a effortful life that invites playfulness and new experiences.

    The key word here is effort. Happiness should not be the main goal. Living your values. Finding a process and journey that meets your values and challenges you slightly will bring satisfaction.

    Be carful of self help books and systems. Many are designed to put you on a perpetual wheel of needing more and more books to buy and classes to take. They are money generators that will tell you they offer the golden cure. And if you didn’t succeed with the system in a few months then here’s part two you can buy.

    I do like THE HAPPINESS LAB podcast as a starting point. There’s a free Yale course too. The teaching there can get you to examine some stuff.

    Be kinder to yourself but do put some challenges in your way. Happiness is not about having a placid life.

  • Just like with temperature, we only feel the relative difference. If the difference is sudden and strong heat, it feels extrem. Like a rockstar getting famous and playing on stage. After these changes subside we feel the stark difference between. the hangover, the withdrawal symptoms. everything feels cold after you spent some time in warm water. Happiness is like that. You can push yourself to a new high, but afterwards you feel the difference between the high and the normal. like many said already its about having a good baseline. If you push that baseline with drugs, everything normal will feel worse.

  • I think our current economic system makes that very difficult for a truly good person. In general I agree with what others are saying with respect to contentment over happiness and the fact that sorrow will always have its moments. But the current way to get to a place where you have enough to be content is largely in doing things that are about making money and not filling need. Humans typically get most satisfaction from being helpful, but our current system incentivizes selfishness and greed. It’s difficult for a person who isn’t naturally selfish or greedy to maintain “lasting happiness” in such a system. Although drugs might make you forget about the shittyness of our current world.

  • Happiness or contentment? The latter is likely possible. The former? There are too many ups and downs in life, too much stress, to be happy, long-term. My mother-in-law was the closest I’ve seen, but she still had worries over the well-being of family members, the state of the world, and then cancer. She was content, certainly – mostly stemming from her religious views and love for everyone – but that’s not the same as happy.

  • A lot depends on your mindset. In particular nowadays, we are constantly focused on the future. Everything is seen as a stepping stone towards something else. So naturally, happiness becomes a faraway goal: “I’ll be happy when that happens”, but as son as that is reached, a new goal appears. To be happy, you need to live in the present. Accept the limitations of it, and thrive on the rest. Not every situation allows for happiness, but most allow for at least some happiness.

    I also think that humans are social animals, so happiness should be found in the connections we have with others, friends, blood family and chosen family.

  • Yes. More peace and content than OMG HAPPINESS because life still has its ups and downs but overall I am content. I am not religious but reading topics in taoism and mindfulness have helped.