It’s summer holiday time in the northern hemisphere which made me think of this.

What kind of holiday/vacation do you like going on? What do you like doing? Beach, adventure, city break, etc.?

What’s the last holiday you went on that you really enjoyed?

  • ideal vacation – not having to end it after a measly two weeks

    in all seriousness, Thailand is my go-to – something about the culture, I don’t constantly feel on edge all the time and can actually relax

  • I do like all kinds of holidays. Relaxing with a book holidays, city breaks, friend boozy holidays, exhausting family holidays etc

    My ideal holidays though is a nature/wildness focused holiday (but staying somewhere nice… I can enjoy camping but it isn’t “ideal holiday” material). USA National Parks, Canadian Rockies, The Nordics, Safari etc

  • My ideal holiday would be somewhere else that I’m far from my computer and with a lot of nature and if possible near ocean or lake or any water really! Especially during summer here (Thailand) is really hot, so I’d love to be near water lol. I also love to stay in motor home and tent rather than in room.