• I’m not a fan of that format at ALL. It didn’t win me over, but I appreciate them taking the risk and judging from other people’s reactions they did a good job. I’m just biased and was probably never going to like it. I did watch about half of it.

      The last three episodes have been a wild ride, that’s for sure.

  • I just started the show earlier this week and just finished season one. I really like it!

    It brings back some of the flavor of TNG where it’s more about exploration and diplomacy, but keeps some of the “modernness” of the Star Trek movies. Graphics, set design, wardrobe are all fantastic. I love the crew, everyone feels unique and authentic. It’s been a lot of fun.

    I don’t have that “omg I need to watch the next episode” thing which IMO is a good thing because I can watch a couple episodes and then go to bed at a reasonable time. The episodes don’t leave you on cliffhangers, each one wraps up nicely.

    • The set designs are incredible. I do love how the series doesnt try to run away from the old colors and designs. Like it looks like the old 60s enterprise but with a budget and as a result the shapes and mid century style remain but its like a good midcentury style.

      •  Shadow   ( @Shadow@lemmy.ca ) 
        51 year ago

        All the costume design has also been top notch. I really like the little details on the uniforms, like the different patterns based on the staff specialty.