There’s got to be some technology that does this. No sploofs!

Currently i crack a window, put a small square fan in it, and blow my exhaust through the fan. I use a vaporizer which cuts down the smell a lot, but there is still a lingering odor the night of, and sometimes the following morning.

I would prefer no odor at all, immediately. Any help is appreciated.

  • There’s no way of avoiding it. Regular weed smokers think they don’t stink of it when they do, so you’re not going to get helpful advice from the smoking community. Smoke outside to avoid a lingering smell in your home. But your hair, skin, clothes (and breath if you’re slack on oral hygiene like most smokers) will still smell of weed. Stick to edibles if you don’t want to smell like a teenager.

    • Cooking can be pretty darn dank. There was this time someone at my dorm tried to make ‘weed butter’, and the whole second floor smelled like weed. It was one of the strongest smells I’ve smelled in my life, even though I was far from the chefs.

      I wonder if there are cooking methods that aren’t as dank…

      Although, to be fair, eating an already-cooked edible will probably not smell. I guess this is what you mean, Calhoon2005.

  •  Fester   ( ) 
    42 years ago

    This is not perfect… but:

    I pack small bowls - small enough to entirely inhale till the embers go out, so that no smoke comes off the bowl after. Then crack open the outside door JUST enough to blow it all out the crack, then shut the door immediately. You’re basically kissing a tiny crack in the door, then shutting it. A fan won’t work - it’ll blow a bit of the smoke up and down and all over.

    99% of the smoke goes into the lungs and out the door. The 1% still smells a bit though. If you cough, you fuck it up.

    Then of course the weed itself smells - not much you can do about that. But it doesn’t seep into carpet/furniture as bad as smoke does.

    Since you’re using a vape, try a cart (oil) instead and use the lowest temp you can stand. Do what you’re doing or try the window/door-crack method.

    If you’re trying to hide it from others who live with you, you can’t. Just go find a spot outside and leave a hooded jacket and gloves there or in your trunk (but only if it’s legal and you can’t be harassed for smells.)

    Only foolproof way is to buy edibles that are made elsewhere and keep them sealed. Febreze or dry shampoo can help a little with mild non-smoke smells after opening certain edibles.

  • Is you are someplace it is legal you can buy concentrates, eg: live rosin, which relativity smell like nothing. I vaporized weed for years; whatever room you are vaping in will smell like vaped weed. The best you can do is keep it to one room. With concentrates someone will only smell them if you open a container and bring it to their nose, or if they walk through your exhale. I use a an e-coil and a banger, the alternatives are to use a butane torch or a e-cig typle device.

  • When I smoked I’d use an air purifier, with a window open and fan running, as well as using a sploof (slang for this might be different where ur from) and sometimes burning a candle. All those combined and being sure to dispose of your ash quickly should reduce the smell. Your best option is a dry herb vape though, and that’s better for your health too

  • If you have a split AC unit you can put activated carbon mat on top of the inside unit where it takes in air. Clears all smell from inside that room especially if it’s a small space. You could probably make a similar contraption with a box fan.

  •  Nix   ( ) 
    2 years ago

    Why no sploofs? College years was all about towel on the bottom of the door and a sploof. We didnt have windows that opened but got through it fine

  • You could invest a ton of money in high powered air purifiers w/ carbon filters that you’re regularly changing + very rapid air circulation (what casinos do), but it will cost you a ton of money and make your smoking room loud as a jet engine.

    Honestly - just make the investment in getting a good vaporizer or buy edibles, like an adult.

    •  Chozo   ( ) 
      2 years ago

      Same here, they’re way more convenient than flower, imo. Often stronger, too. It’s just really nice being able to take a quick hit wherever I am without bothering people around me with the smell. And my landlord stays none the wiser.

      • I went from spending like $150/week on flower to spending that much in 2 months by switching to concentrates (and they are super cheap too; I went today with $100 and only spent half that getting the maximum I am allowed a day). A single cart can last me for a week. It doesn’t feel as social so it’s not something I share (especially after COVID) like flower, and a single hit can last way longer than a few bowls.

        The lack of odor is just a nifty little bonus for me, since it doesn’t seem to matter where I live (every unit around me smokes weed lol). Actually been kinda missing the smell of the plant tho. I smell my neighbors coming out or on their balconies and I just want a good old fashion blunt again.