As the service grows, I have noticed more and more people and bots popping up, only posting links to a news article and that’s that. Usually there is no post, no summary and nothing from the OP but the link.

What do you all think about this?

Do you think it’s a good thing, because it is providing content? Do you maybe find it annyoing and if so, why?

I myself am happy when people take the time out of their say to try to provide content, but for me it’s a bit low effort a lot of the times. Bots I tend to block immediately and people it they make it hard for me to reader other posts between all their link-posting.

But I am more curious how you all think about this and whether you consider it good or bad.

  • Lemmy, like Reddit, operates like a link aggregator, so news article spam sorted by type into sublemmy’s is sort of its “natural state”. IMO there’s not really anything wrong with it, because it’s a good way to get conversations started.

    I don’t really like the bot that just reposts “archive” posts from Reddit.

    • I used to run a news bot on my profile for my community, but some people PM’d me to mark my profile as bot. I also personally use my account so I don’t want my other post/comments to be seen as bot activity; and my instance did not permit creation of a second account for the bot only, what should I do to keep the bot running without having my profile marked as bot?

  • I don’t mind the news, I absolutely hate the bots.

    I said in another comment before, there’s an “AITA” bot reposting everything from Reddit, but, who are we supposed to answer if it’s a bot that’s asking? It doesn’t make any sense…

    If there is no engagement (or at least something that’s educational or informational), then what’s the point?

    If it was a “TIL” bot I’d probably have a harder time hating on it, but still.

  • As long as it’s not “spammy” and there’s actual engagement or discussion on the posts I don’t see an issue. But if the community being posted to isn’t engaging with the posts, or it’s crowding out the more interesting posts, yeah that’s not great and shouldn’t be allowed.

    •  livus   ( ) 
      1 year ago

      I am a human who posts a lot of news. It’s not mainstream news though and it’s all been read and selected by me.

      Most of it is to a small niche news sub and gets little engagement yet - the 90-9-1 rule applies and we don’t have the numbers yet.

      If anyone discusses it with me I’m over the moon!

  • I hate it. Some communities just fill up my feed with links to news articles with zero (or zero quality) comments. I either unsubscribe from these communities, or block the poster. In some cases they are so frequent, and with images that are effectively advertising. That and the zero comments, they just remind me of Reddit ads. I don’t think you can hope to build a community by drowning out any discussion with a flood of posts from news sites. If you’re the mod of a community with so little interaction, then you should be curating content and adding comments yourself.

  • I’m generally opposed to spambots and unnecessary bots.

    If these bots are just, like, CNN wrote a bot to post every CNN article to a news community, that’s annoying.

    But as long as the bots aren’t spammers / advertisers / just annoying as shit, it seems like they’re doing something pretty useful without causing any harm. Not opposed to it.

    Oh, and the other problem on reddit ends up being that these bots farm karma to make themselves look more legitimate, as though they’re people. That’s probably something we should keep an eye on long-term.

  •  livus   ( ) 
    1 year ago

    I get news from the fediverse so I’m very happy with others posting news.

    I don’t like repost bots though because they tend to be programmed to let non-fedizens control the agenda. Eg scraping what the people of Reddit upvoted.

  • I used to get most of my news from Reddit, now that I don’t use Reddit I get them from here. I post pretty frequently news articles on my country’s community and think that they are a good source for a discussion.