• And the smart move would be to spread it around anyways, no telling what a sizeable investment in - for instance - Apple might have had early on, maybe it would change history so that it didn’t turn out successful

        Better to do some bitcoin, some of each major stock you can recall, and funds for industries you know will take off

  • 1491 to the soon-to-be landing point of Christopher Columbus. I would bring an arsenal of modern day weaponry and then arm and train the natives in anticipation for when his ships appear on the horizon.

      • Still a lot of pasta, which predates the Columbian exchange. But probably a lot more focus on herbal seasonings, cheese/dairy, oils, etc. Carbonara probably still popular. A lot more pesto on average.

        Pizza would be white pizza with toppings, maybe with a pesto base. Fish, meat dishes, and European vegetable dishes probably still mostly untouched.

        You’re really just missing tomato sauces and gnocchi with the lack of the Columbian exchange, and tomato is essentially optional in many Italian dishes anyways. Surprisingly not as big a change as I would have thought.

        I think maybe in North America we associate tomatoes more strongly with Italian food because it was more readily available for Italian-American immigrants than it was back in Italy.

  • I think I’d go paleolithic. Pre-agricultural, on the move finding food, being in nature. It’d be dicey obviously but like whatever, if you die you die. I feel like the physical activity, adrenaline, living in community, being in nature… Would just be nice. I feel like I probably wouldn’t be depressed anymore eventually. Like who would have the time?

    Also damn can you imagine seeing like 4000 lb armadillos and shit? Living among a bunch of now-extinct megafauna seems like it would be both thrilling and terrifying. Honestly I’d probably die by trying to Disney princess with a twelve foot tall deer or some shit.

  • OK… where in the world would I pop up?

    If where I live, in Paraná: 1300 then. I’d be teaching the local Kaingang: a few farming techniques, a bunch of food-preserving techniques, writing and paper making. Ah, and gunpowder too, so they can use it against the Spaniards coming from Asunción and the Portuguese from the coast. Past that I’d… marry a local girl and try to live a happy life? Language would be a struggle though, because even if I knew 2023 Kaingang or Guarani that doesn’t automatically makes me know some older variety of the language.

    If anywhere in the world: Republican Rome, around 150 BCE. I know basic Latin so it wouldn’t be actually easier to adapt than the above. I’d probably find some craft to live from, either in a taberna selling food or blacksmithing. I actually know a few Roman recipes (thanks Apicius), I could even give them a bit of modern twist; they should already know pizza (Virgil mentions it) but a modern style pizza bianca would be new. Perhaps I should leave a note to the Julii that, if one of them conquers Gaul, he should watch out for potential killers.

      • I wouldn’t be preempting pizza, the Romans already prepared it*. At most I’d introduce a specific type of pizza - bread, melting cheese, oregano. Perhaps topped with figs and onions and cured ham.

        *excerpt from the Aeneid, published around 20 BCE, telling tales that were already old back then:

        Aeneas and his chiefs, with fair Iulus, under spreading boughs of one great tree made resting-place, and set the banquet on. Thin loaves of altar-bread along the sward to bear their meats were laid (such was the will of Jove), and wilding fruits rose heaping high, with Ceres’ gift below. Soon, all things else devoured, their hunger turned to taste the scanty bread, which they attacked with tooth and nail audacious, and consumed both round and square of that predestined leaven. “Look, how we eat our tables even!” cried Iulus, in a jest.

  • Not human prehistory. That one would suck, I’m in no way built and trained as a hunter-gatherer. Either some civilisation, pre-humans or a recent era, then.

    From the wording I’m assuming limited control of where I land, So I can’t airdrop in behind a world leader or into a vault, but I can choose a region.

    Gilded age is tempting, for classic “change history” reasons, and because I could kickstart semiconductors early and make a buck. The disadvantage is I’d be destitute on arrival, and my education, while extensive, is undocumented there, so maybe I’d die in a coal mine anyway. Perhaps I’d pick England and try to chat up Bertrand Russel, he could vouch for my knowledge after a quick conversation and might even be a good choice to explain my situation to.

    If I’m going ancient civilisation, probably Rome. I could find some sort of industry to start and even just my clothes will be valuable. The Incas would be cool to but if I’m being adventurous I want more time to prepare.

    Pre-human, maybe New Zealand. I’ll eat local forage and hunt moa until I eventually die. It’s better than starving, and I don’t have to worry so much about large predators.

  • Lame answer but I would pick the closest time I could back to my time as I could.

    I don’t think I could survive without modern day technology and I really don’t want to try.

    If going into future is an option maybe. That would probably be my next best option if I couldn’t pick a past time within the last 50 years.