How fucking stupid is that? Sorry, but not having a good morning. This is like when I found out you can’t set the number of rings either. Sometimes I just want to smash all my tech and go back to rocks, sticks, and leaves.

  • Only your carrier has the ability to block a call. And when they do that, the caller would receive a brief message letting them know that the number is blocked.

    Anything outside of that simply doesn’t answer the call. If you have voicemail active, obviously the caller will be given the option to leave a message.

    There is no service that will give you a true number block outside of your carrier.

  • Reading the comments I’m still amazed by how big of a problem robocalls are in the US.

    Here in the EU I’ve had around 4 unsolicited calls in 20 years. Why is it a problem there and not here?

      • shiny

        The roads, the bridges, the healthcare system, the airports, the rail system, the ports, the housing system, the education system, people of color, any minorities, the electoral system, the unions, the job market, the credit rating, and any government department that isn’t military would disagree with that assessment. Only thing shiny in the US is the military and the police.

        It just outright is a third would country and has the obsession with state sanctioned killing to prove it.

    • It’s actually pretty big problem in Spain. I have to keep blocking spam numbers. I think it’s the same in Poland. EU is not regulating this, it’s up to individual governments and some are not handling it well.

    • Here in the UK, I get one a year. I used to get more, but then I answered a couple and was deliberately obstinate in a way that seems to have gotten me added to a blacklist.

      “No, you called me, so you have to prove that you are who you say you are. We’ll start with your company registration number, registered office, and FCA registration number.” No threats or profanity or abuse, just firm demands that they prove their identity. They always hang up, stop calling, and tell their fellow scammers not to bother with me.

      I definitely don’t trust the government to regulate properly, but I do trust the scammers to recognise that pestering me wastes their time and gets them nothing. While it may seem like the 2-3 minutes per year spent stubbornly refusing to give any personal information until I’ve done “due diligence checks” is a waste of my time, I consider it an investment, since I don’t have to deal with any calls in the future.

    • My mum constantly gets landline calls, e.g. from some Microsoft employess out of a center in India… Anyway I also don’t receive them but I imagine of your number lands in such a pool you might be out of luck.

      Edit: I just reread and question my reading comprehension. Robocalls exist? Now I understand why these call screening features are so sought after.

  • Blocking a number on you phone just tells the phone to hide the incoming call not the carrier. The call rings through unanswered and then the carrier routes it to voicemail like any other call.

    You would need to block the caller at the carrier. Most have some kind of block list you can enable. The alternative would be a non-standard dialer app that, rather than hiding the incoming call, would pick it up and drop it. I don’t know if such software exists.

    Edit: dialer not diaper.

    •  Chozo   ( ) 
      1 year ago

      No, most blocking these days is done on the device level.

      It used to be that your provider was the one who would manage individual number blocks, but now that smartphones can do that trivially easily, calling up your provider to ask to block a number will end up with the rep telling you how to block the number from your device. Granted, you still can do carrier-level blocking, but most carriers are moving away from it because the user isn’t in control of those settings. Carriers are mostly hands-off with blocks, unless you’re blocking specific types of numbers (like 5-digit shortcode numbers or toll lines).

      So yes, this is 100% a failure of the OS in this case.

  • It’s 2023.

    • demand no voicemail
    • reassure incredulous carrier that no, it’s 2023, voicemail is as dead as the answering machine, and that you never want to get a message beep.
    • reassure them again that their useless pork service isn’t required, and that your choice is only between various plans that do not include or enable a voicemail service.

    Just let it die.

  • This is why someone should make a non-standard dialer that lets you:

    1. Pick up then hang up immediately, so they can’t send it to voicemail.
    2. A button that tells the carrier “I missed the call”.
  •  ram   ( ) 
    61 year ago

    Ya, I’d honestly rather an automated system that accepts and hangs up on the caller just so I don’t need that stupid “YOU HAVE A VOICEMAIL” notification that I can only remove for 2 hours at a time.

  • I just had my carrier remove my voicemail.

    I’m on iOS, and I have “silence unknown callers” turned on. I’m sure a similar Android option exists.

    Basically - any number that calls me that is unknown (that isn’t in my contacts or I haven’t called/picked up before) goes right to my nonexistent voicemail, which means they’re immediately hung up on.

    Auto-dialers are funny. Most are configured to redial on connection fail. Yesterday I received 38 calls in a 2 minute period. Never got a single notification about it

      • I’m almost purely digital for pretty much all of notifications that come my way - even my doctor.

        I don’t live in the area code where my phone number is from, and haven’t in so long that there’s only a few people that would call me from that area code.

        And - well spotted - The 38 call salvo from the day prior was actually a contractor trying to get ahold of me. Because it was a number from my current area code, I went ahead and called them back. The person who called me only tried to dial once, and the redials were all the computer automatically retrying.
        Admittedly, it is less than optimal, but in the 5ish years I’ve gone without a voicemail, it’s the second time I haven’t picked up for a desired call.

        Usually when I know I’m going to be receiving calls from new folks, I’ll first try to call their number or text them - even if the number isn’t in my contacts, if I’ve interacted with it in some fashion, it will ring through. Or I’ll disable the ‘straight to voicemail’ for a time.

        It’s not too onerous, and I really hate spam calls, so the effort of remembering to enable/disable it a few times a year is worth it to me.
        And, for what it’s worth, I do think it has an effect. Earlier this year I let calls through and forgot to block them again, and it was 3 weeks before I got a spam call. Before taking such extreme measures, I was getting about 5 a week.

  • Does your carrier’s online account management allow you to block numbers yourself? That will prevent them from leaving voicemails. If they don’t let you do it yourself online, you’ll probably have to call, and regardless, there might be a charge per number - the last time I looked into it, it was $10 to block a number for my Verizon account.

  • Yeah I hate that. It just fills your voicemail with crap and makes that useless, too.

    You’d think something as simple as a phone wouldn’t get so shitty… But he we are.