• I can finally play D&D instead of always being the default GM! Yay!

    It’s a fantastic game and I am having a blast with it. It’d be neat if they found a way to incorporate a little more of the utility stuff (scrying etc.) but I can imagine how difficult that would be. The scope of what you can do in the game is definitely much farther than I thought they’d go!

    • Forever GM’s unite! (But like, once we get the schedule finalized /s)

      Yeah, this is probably the best D&D game in existence now. It definitely has some pretty fun mechanics and a lot of depth that other D&D vidya games just lack.

      • Agreed. It’s the most direct translation of the actual mechanics and gameplay of D&D to a game ever made and somehow also the most fun.

        Hm, now I want a mod for NWN 2 that makes it actually play like a turn-based game to see if that’s fun. 5e is probably still more fun than 3.5, but with all the math automated away it could be close.

          • They’re both based on PF 1e. Looking at the wiki page, I didn’t realize they were optionally played in turn-based mode.

            Guess I’ll have to play em.

            I used to GM PF 1e without opening the rulebook because I had those rules down cold from all the years of playing 3.5 before Pathfinder came out.

      •  Kaberu   ( @Kaberu@beehaw.org ) 
        52 years ago

        Scrying type spells are not in the game as far as I know. There are a lot of non-combat spells in D&D that are not present, likely because they are based on creative liberties, and difficult to replicate on a computer.

  • Yesterday I was playing with some buddies in chat. Another buddy that isn’t playing with us asked if we were doing the main quest line or side quests. I responded, “There aren’t any main or side quests. You just kinda play”. At that moment it finally clicked. BG3 is a game where you just enjoy yourself without a conception of what you’re doing mattering or not. You put your own weight into your experiences.

  • I’m absolutely loving it. I love that I can pace the game myself thanks to the turn based design, that my actions have consequences, that it’s a proper role playing game.

    I’m about 30 hours in and it’s fantastic.

  • Copying my previous comment from Sunday:

    Played it all day yesterday. It still has some bugs and if you play co-op you should do it in a separate save file because you can’t ever remove your offline friends’ characters from your party, but at a mechanical level, the game is a masterpiece.

    It’s D&D 5e translated with extreme loving detail into a video game. Conversation is nearly as engaging as combat and many of the NPCs have massive dialogue trees, all fully voiced. You can switch between using a controller to directly control your character or using the traditional keyboard and mouse controls like the older Baldurs Gate games.

    Hells, the character creator is probably worthy of an award by itself

    I’m now 38 hours in and my opinions are basically the same, though I will add that I love how fast they’ve been patching it. If Larian ever release DLC or expansions for this game I’d expect them to be the best goddamned expansions I’ve seen in at least the last 10 years.

    I’m really hoping it’s reasonably moddable because I’ve little doubt the community would love to mod entire custom campaigns into this engine.

  • Been having good fun with Baldur’s gate 3. Combat is taking me a bit of getting used to but it’s overall pretty nice. The plenty of character cutscenes really are nice. One suggestion for improvement is that I need all of the characters to have the Scottish accent, not just some.

    • This game is everything I wanted Divinity Original Sin 2 to be.

      This is kinda exactly why I haven’t played it, haha. I’m a grumpy old fart who played the first two, and misses RTwP. I did enjoy D:OS I+II though, so I guess I’ll just shut up, play Pathfinder if I feel like RTwP, and be happy good RPGs are being made.

  • It’s great!! At first I wasn’t too into it, but I leaned in to my chaotic stupid bard shenanigans and I am having a blast. The dialogue and VAs are fantastic, especially Astarion’s (who doesn’t!?). This is my first cRPg and it’s good introduction to beginners new to the genre. Choices are remembered by characters so be careful. Combat can be confusing at times because I’m dumb and don’t play DnD.

  • I’ve been playing through it with a few of my pf2e group.

    Larian did such an amazing job with this, and I am enjoying it, but I find myself wishing this game had the action economy from Div : OS2 or pf2e.

    That said, I’m glad to see that they’ve continued the trend of their prior crpgs, and made something approaching the flexibility of a GM behind a screen.

  • Awesome game so far and remarkably well-polished due to the early access. My only real gripe is that the camera control is a little fiddly. It may be that I’m just not used to it, but a click and drag to rotate the camera would be chef’s kiss

    • I’d say it plays best solo. It’s story heavy so you’re going to want to go at your own speed and explore what interests you, which works better solo.

      FWIW I got it as well 2-3 of my friends, but we’re all running it solo first before grouping up.

    • Cannot speak for randoms, only the Solo Aspect: You can take control of any additional party members (also works in Multiplayer) so playing alone is technically definitely possible. What I can tell you from my brief experience though is that managing the extra characters is somewhat tedious so I don’t think you’ll get the maximum out of the party solo. Playing with only one character is not really something I’d do, there does not seem to be any mechanic balancing out all of the disadvantages there from what I can tell.