• Good. Using race to determine admissions eligibility is, well, racist. Sorry, facts. If it’s not 100% merit based then it’s a compete sham. Using race for anything is simply wrong and goes against the very idea of NOT judging someone by their race. Can’t believe it took this long. Now, get rid of affirmative action in job hiring, promotions and everything else.

    This article is just a heavily slanted opinion. Oh and there is no reason to go to an Ivy League school anyways. A local community college or state school is just fine. Or, better yet, try a trade school And make great money with union benefits. Zero debt. No wasted time taking pointless classes.

    • Poor communities have worse public schools, fewer educational programs, etc. They have less access to education and thus have a harder time to excel in it. Affirmative action from my understanding was a way to offset the systemic racism favoring rich white communities. I don’t think it’s a good solution but removing it without a decade of solving the underlying issues and seeing the first kids with equal chances make it into university is just a horrible thought. EDIT: typo

      • I think similar logic to the paradox of tolerance may be applicable here…

        It wasn’t a perfect solution, but directly correcting the proportions affected by the systemic problem (using same or similar discriminators as the actual problem) was progress in the right direction. That bigot’s opinion goes the exact wrong direction; the goal should have been to reach a point where there isn’t enough scarcity in higher education for anyone to “lose out”. In other words, the policy should try to make itself unnecessary.

        I don’t claim to have the solution to systemic racism, but I wouldn’t be surprised if a reversal of the last half-century’s anti-education trends did a lot of the legwork on that by itself. And if there are still systemic issues to address, hey! Now you have a whole lot more educated folks to help figure out what to do from there.

      • They have a “systemic” culture problem too that only they can fix. There isnt a Govt. program for that though. It has to come from within. There are success stories coming from poorer communities which means it CAN be done. Millions of people from all walks have escaped poverty and while they may not all end up at Harvard, they’ve done quite well for themselves & didnt use some “fake” merit system to get there. Lifes not fair and wealthy people always have advantages. Its not a race thing either. Rich black people’s kids are better off than poor or middle class white kids too. Thats life. Put effort in and sacrifice a bit. Then, you reap the rewards.

        This country has more opportunities than anywhere to make something of yourself. Color is irrelevant and only used as a “victim” ploy by politicians.

      • Basing any assistance on race is a terrible policy that will lead to countless kids falling through the cracks because they weren’t the right color and live in the wrong location. That’s unfair to those kids and it’s clear as day. If wealth inequality is the problem, target wealth inequality, don’t slap on some half-assed racial band-aid.