He is not a hobbit, neither a man, but what is he? Is he a dwarf? A wizard? A god? Something else entirely?

  • I can’t answer what Bombadil is in the lore of LOTR, he seems to be unique in terms of entities we are shown. But I can tell you what he is at a meta level. You see, LOTR was first told as stories to Tolkiens kids, which you probably already knew, which you may not have known, is that Bombadil was a recurring character in previous stories he had told his children. So at a meta level, Bombadil is just a fun callback to a previous character for his kids to have enjoyed.

    • This comes closest of the answers in this thread, imo. Tom Bombadil was a figurine/puppet Tolkien or his kids owned and he would devise stories around it. He included it in the main narrative as a sort of mental resting point, where both the reader and the hobbits come at peace for a brief moment. It’s completely separate from the main narrative and it doesn’t cleanly fit in the story. I think of it as Tom Bombadil, Goldberry and their house basically being in another dimension, which is why neither time nor the ring affect them.

      If you are interested in it, Tolkien discussed the nature of Tom Bombadil in several letters and there are some decent youtube videos on the subject.

      • In Star Trek Enterprise, there’s an episode where the crew finds a planet being ravaged by disease. Bizarrely, the planet has two humanoid species: one dominant (intelligent, technologically advanced) and one less dominant (less evolved brains). The captain mentions that in every planet they’ve encountered, only one humanoid species survives the process of evolution.

        Well, it turns out that the disease is genetic, it only affects the currently-dominant species, and they will go extinct in a few centuries because of it. The same evolutionary phenomenon that explorers encountered countless times before on other planets was happening right before their eyes.

        Middle Earth has like at least 3 humanoid species (Man, Elf, Dwarf), more if you count Hobbits and Orcs. That’s totally incompatible with Star Trek lore!

        • Well when we see the story of LotR, the elves and dwarves are disappearing - maybe it’s the Trek rule happening in front of us again! Orcs certainly don’t seem to fare well during it either. Hobbit are disappearing too, if they’re to be counted as separate to humans at all. It’s very much becoming a world of humans when the plot of LotR happens

        • But you just explained it yourself. Currently there >1 humanoid species on planet “Middle Earth”, but over time there will likely only be 1 for one reason or another (diseases, dominant races doing the good old genocide, etc.)

          So either the Enterprise / Federation hasn’t found the planet yet (and it will become the first planet with this many humanoid species on it) or LOTR and ENT simply don’t play at the same time.

          • Maybe the other races don’t count as “humanoid”? The dolphin people definitely wouldn’t be considered humanoid at least, neither would the ents in middle earth I guess.

  • He is a character who is not connected to the main conflict in the story in any way, and is meant to show that the world of middle earth is much larger and more mysterious than what the hobbits/men/elves/orcs are fighting over. His back story was left as a mystery on purpose. The simplest explanation to accept is that you’re just not supposed to know.

    There is a whole lot of fan theory and actual letters from Tolkien himself explaining (or rather not explaining) the character.

  •  s_s   ( @s_s@lemmy.one ) 
    1 year ago

    Tom represents the incomplete knowledge of mankind and our pre-modern inability to firmly grasp the natural world we live in (and to some extent our continued struggle).

    The fantasy world of Middle-Earth is in most ways supernatural to our own. So how much more incomplete would our understanding and knowledge of it been?

    Tolkien was a professor of language and mythology and steeped in the ancient epics of the Anglo-saxons and Norse cultures. His career was putting together what these people knew and how they saw the world, but also what they couldn’t understand and how they explained their ignorance.

    Others here are hinting at what Tom is, but not why he is. He’s a manifestation of ignorance. That’s why pinning him down is so tricky. It’s like pointing at a shadow with a flashlight.

    • Very good analogy. Questioning Tom Bombadil’s role in Middle Earth is the reason Tolkien included him, in my mind at least. The reader sees him as mysterious, mystical, alien, and seemingly detached from the world around him. And we try to fit him into the rest of the world, but not everything fits into nice little boxes. Some aspects of life will always be unknowable. The same goes for history and myth, which Tom seems to be very related to.

    • I like this answer. Mine would’ve been “spirit of nature incarnate” or similar, but this captures why I think that.

      Tom Bombadil is trustworthy in that he was understood to be incorruptible by the ring. However, he wasn’t a trustworthy holder of the ring because he’d probably lose it because he didn’t feel the gravity of it. Tom Bombadil is good and trustworthy, but ultimately uncontrollable.

  • the Navajo had a tradition of weaving a single, intentional imperfection into the patterns on their blankets and rugs… they said it was so that their spirit didn’t get trapped inside the weave…

  • A druidic forest spirit.

    Maybe he’s a demi-god whose back story we don’t know enough about.

    Gandalf seems pretty human to start with, but then we find out that he’s a superhuman/demigod. That whole circle of wizards seems superhuman.

    What was Sauron?

    I think CS Lewis and Lewis Carroll had a better approach of just being like “Look, anything we want can show up as part of the story.”

    Tolkien had to create all of these taxonomies, bloodlines, and typing, which is why we’re talking about this.