•  xan1242   ( @xan1242@lemmy.ml ) 
    23811 months ago

    She picked the right moment to come out with this. I mean, keeping this in for 2 whole years while being under the impression that you’re under some NDA, you can only imagine how stressful she must’ve felt.

    I feel really sorry for her and I wish her the best. She’s a really cool person.

    • That’s usually how these things work. People see others speaking out against someone, and that gives them the courage that they’ll be heard.

      It also helps that the current news only does to back up her claims and increase the perceived validity.

      • It’s sad people have to wait for these opportunities to come, if at all. Otherwise people would dismiss them as a liar or disgruntled employee. There are too many sycophants even now that will back Linus no matter what.

        • I think the LMG stans are super weird. People who pay for their premium floatplane stuff and pay just to be able to chat with others who pay

          It’s all very weird to me.

          I assume most of those people will stay behind and create an echo chamber of Linus simping for him to view.

  • This is worse than the Gamer’s Nexus video. The biggest red flag initially wasn’t even the bad testing data, it was how overworked the staff were. Clearly employee wellness is not a priority.

  •  June   ( @June@lemm.ee ) 
    16611 months ago

    None of this is surprising to me at all. I’ve been seeing hints of a toxic ‘hustle’ mindset in their videos for quite some time and have commented as much on the videos. I’ve worked in environments just like this and once you’ve lived it it’s easy af to spot.

    Linus probably says ‘I don’t ask anything of anyone that I don’t expect of myself’ and then goes on to expect someone making 50k to put in as much time and effort as he did when first starting LTT/LMG.

  • She has also confirmed that this Glassdoor review was written by her, with continuing updates on her twitter

    Permalink to Glassdoor

    Quote from the twitter thread:

    I was asked about my sexual history, my boyfriends sexual history, “how I liked to fuck”.

    I was told that certain issues were “sexual tension” and I should just “take the co-worker out on a coffee date to ease it out”

    I was asked to twerk for a co-worker at one point.

    I was told I was chunky, fat, ugly, stupid. I was called “retarded” I was called a “faggot”

    •  4am   ( @4am@lemm.ee ) 
      5011 months ago

      Holy shit wtf

      I figured it was stressful there, and I always kind of dismissed the dickheads in the community as “the internet being the internet” but it seems it’s WAY worse.

      • 1.0 Jul 27, 2022

        Disappointed with treatment would not recommend

        Social Media Coordinator

        Former Employee, more than 1 year

        X Recommend

        O CEO Approval

        X Business Outlook


        a lot of talented people

        employee bonding activities


        No proper/or explained HR system.

        Sexist remarks, coded language, and harassment were common place.

        Inappropriate actions, comments, and discussions frequently occurred.

        Including discussion about employees bodies, appearance, clothes, and wealth.

        Upper/middle management frequently misuse power.

        No way to report most incidents without issue, since the HR team was ALSO upper management.

        Feedback was consistently harsh and not constructive.

        Inappropriate language was commonly used while giving feedback.

        Meetings with unbalanced power dynamics were common place.

        Gaslighting situations frequently occurred.

        Unbiased 3rd parties were never present, or easily able to be requested in these meetings.

        Lack of proper communication between management and employees.

        Outside ventures frequently frowned upon, or limited by the company.

        Advice to Management

        Stop dismissing complaints because “everyone is friends here” it’s a workplace, not a group hangout session.

        Get a proper HR team and take reports of harassment and inappropriate conduct seriously.

        Don’t dismiss employees complaints.

  • Okay.

    This is not your conventional toxic workplace. This is ADVANCED toxicity. She resorted to self harm for a day off. That’s a type of struggle that can make a company go terminal if the rank and file band together.

    This needs to be spread.

  •  lichtmetzger   ( @lichtmetzger@feddit.de ) 
    11 months ago

    If the allegations about the sexual topics are true (like managing the OnlyFans account and having to see other people’s junk, being told to twerk for a coworker and getting asked about “how she liked to fuck”) LTT is in some serious trouble.

    No sponsor in their right mind wants to be associated with a bunch of grown men sexually assaulting their female coworkers. If this isn’t cleared up totally and publically, LTT will lose a lot of sponsors and this can seriously hurt them.

    When the employee handbook leaked a few months ago and this was mostly ignored by Linus except him making a rant about the company not needing unions because they’re so great, that was already very suspicious to me. It seemed like just another hustle culture company trying to sweep things under the rug. Well, looks like it was not just a feeling…

    • Linus has admitted to bullying others when he was younger, guess that side of him never went away. Just good at hiding it or editing out of public view. I’m looking back now wondering if he even properly compensated his employees for doing what should have been CONTRACT work on his house or just what they would have made from the videos so he could profit off free labor.

  •  SeaJ   ( @SeaJ@lemm.ee ) 
    10511 months ago

    Definitely unsubscribing from all their channels. All of that shit is absolutely disgusting.

    I had wondered what happened to her and why she seemed to rarely be in any content despite having a good camera presence. It sucks that she had to put up with all that. Linus should have put in his big boy pants and fired the shit heads that helped create such a toxic work environment. He clearly does not know how to manage a company.

  • Reading the full thread was stressful enough, I don’t even want to image what it was like to live it.

    Now I understand why the company is so against unionizing, all this stuff would pretty quickly explode in their face. It’s straight up abuse that should be met by the full force of the legal system.

    What the fuck is wrong with people that makes them think that if you have the smallest modicum of power over someone else it’s your god given right to be an asshole, a sexual predator or just generally toxic.

    I don’t get it.

    • His Union comments are just tone deaf. He’s not wrong that it would be a failure on the company if people felt they needed to unionize. It doesn’t need to be said. Clearly he didn’t think he treated his employees badly, but here we are.

      • No; what, he’s exactly wrong in saying that! Regardless on your thoughts on unions, that’s never something that a CEO/Founder should say about their company, first because it’s just incredibly stupid like you noted, but also because it’s the biggest red flag that you DO need to unionize ASAP!

        At the end of the day, Linus was trying to sell ‘we don’t need a union because we’re the cool workplace’, but it’s always been because unions, by definition, dilute the power of people in his position, which I’m sure he feels very threatened by, especially the longer he built this Jenga tower.

        And if you think that companies that are unionized are a sign of failure… well, I don’t know how to address that without pulling out my own hair.

        • I have not agree in so far that workers who decide to unionize usually do it because their company has wronged them. I don’t recall hearing of a workplace trying to unionize that are completely happy.

  •  Ryumast3r   ( @Ryumast3r@lemm.ee ) 
    11 months ago

    Holy shit.

    So much of what she says is not just horrifying (seriously, feeling the need to hospitalize yourself for a day off), but also straight up illegal.

    Retribution, hostile work environment, straight up harassment, not to mention evidence of “constructive dismissal”. (I’m using US terms but I know these have equivalent laws in Canada)

    I’ve had some pretty bad jobs that have destroyed my mental health, but none of them come close to what Madison is describing here and I am so happy that this is coming out. This is the sort of thing people need to know about LTT and LMG.

  • Holy shit. This has quickly gone from concerning to never watching any of their content again. The inaccurate data stuff sucks, but wasn’t really unexpected, it’s not what I watch them for and I knew they probably rushed that type of content to keep up their schedule. The thing with Billet was pretty bad in a number of ways, but you could understand the auction thing just being a case of horrible miscommunication that they should make up for. This is just beyond inexcusable though, I’m disgusted that they’ve acted like they’re being so transparent about the company while this is going on behind the scenes.

  • I’ll start with: I believe Madison.

    I honestly did not even know that she had left, so all of this is news to me. I assumed that she went into a role that suited what she wanted to do (like production or editing or something with no significant on camera time), and was still there. I usually avoid following anything so closely that I’m aware of whatever drama they get into. Which isn’t to imply that Madison’s experience is mere drama, because it’s not. This is an egregious HR violation on all fronts, and bluntly, if Madison still has any evidence of any of this, a lawyer would do well to pick up her case at no cost to Madison; as far as I’m concerned, with any level of evidence, especially right now with the PR nightmare they’re currently weathering, they’ll want to settle quickly (if they have any sense left in their heads whatsoever)… And Madison can walk away with a very reasonable pay off for all this mental anguish.

    Of course, money doesn’t un-do the fact that it happened.

    On the surface, to me, this looks like LMG hired Madison to appease the masses, partly evidenced by the fact that he announced that he had done so before she was even made aware that they were interested in bringing her on board, which seems to be a trend with Linus now - saying things have happened when he simply rubber stamps the approval to go ahead and start the process… Then “allowed” her to appear on camera enough to show that yes, she does work here… Then as the hype from fans died down and stopped being a benefit to the company, slowly berated her into leaving quietly so schmucks like me (anyone that’s not so dedicated that they read the LTT forums daily), are unaware, and they don’t lose viewers.

    The workload described, at first didn’t sound too bad, busy, sure, but not bad. Some Twitter posts, FB posts, a few tiktoks daily… Yeah ok. That’s a fairly reasonable bar to set, a little high IMO, but ok… Then she went on. And on… And on… What the fuck? I get the idea that it’s “only social media” so some think it’s “not really like working” (which I don’t agree with, I just understand why people think that), since managing your own social media is fairly trivial, but when managing it for someone else, you have to constantly check yourself and consider “is this me saying it? Or is this the right tone and perspective for what the company would say?” Because if you say the wrong thing, you’re reprimanded, or fired. That kind of mental gymnastics is rough; and having to do that for a dozen posts a day is a lot of work to accomplish alone, and you’re probably going to make some mistakes unless you can bounce the posts off of someone like a long term employee or manager to make sure that the message isn’t straying from the brand you represent.

    I’ve personally been in plenty of scenarios where I’ve been over worked. It happens. When being overworked is basically your job duties, that’s unreasonable in every way.

    On top of that the dismissive and demeaning treatment isn’t going to help. I’m not surprised that Madison noped the fuck out, and it’s sad that happened, and more sad that she felt that she shouldn’t even say anything. It’s unsurprising that she left and that she had such a major impact to her mental health by being there… Honestly, it’s almost surprising that she stayed as long as she did… And this isn’t even addressing the sexual misconduct. I know for me, when I think “sexual assault” I’m thinking the worst case scenario, and bluntly, some of the comments that she relays (like “you’ve never gotten drunk with us”) makes me think that could have happened… But it’s not exclusive to that. This is sexual assault. She was sexually harassed and sexually assaulted by staff and bluntly, I hope she names and shames those who were involved. This is unacceptable in any and every way in the workplace and everywhere else. Madison’s gender, sexual orientation, preferences, history, everything, is entirely personal, and discussions of such things in a workplace is completely unacceptable. If she wanted to offer up such information of her own volition, sure, but berating her about it, and harassing or demeaning her about it is completely unwelcome both socially, and legally.

    IMO, Madison has a legal case if she ever chooses to pursue it… I think she should but I understand why she hasn’t, and isn’t.

    As for LTT and LMG, I’m extremely disappointed that Madison was set up to fail like this. I get that it’s a bit of a boys locker room, where most of the staff are “one of the guys” regardless of who they are or what gender they are, and ribbing is part of that. Clearly this was above and beyond it and from what people said to Madison after she left, her treatment was worse than most… Well beyond a good ribbing, and others could tell. Anyone who participates in ribbing among friends can recognise when they’ve gone too far. IMO, it was clear that they had, and they just kept doing it. No part of that is ok. The staff then took it further and further into sexual harassment and assault, and the management team was complacent. This is wholly unacceptable on LMG’s side. Their behaviour is reprehensible.

    I hope Madison is doing better. I’ll probably track down her twitch and throw her a sub, because she deserves it, and never deserved to be treated the way she was. I don’t know what she’s doing now, but I wish her all the success in the world.

    •  7heo   ( @7heo@lemmy.ml ) OP
      1111 months ago

      if Madison still has any evidence of any of this, a lawyer would do well to pick up her case at no cost to Madison

      That’s what I’m hoping for. The described behavior is unacceptable.

      Of course, money doesn’t un-do the fact that it happened.

      Getting public acknowledgement that it happened would be a very good start to healing.

      slowly berated her into leaving quietly so schmucks like me (anyone that’s not so dedicated that they read the LTT forums daily), are unaware

      Madison herself wrote that they were going to announce it on the WAN show, and decided to omit it when she demanded they would include the fact that she quit.

      The workload described, at first didn’t sound too bad, busy, sure, but not bad.

      I thought about this. I agree with what you wrote, but I would like to add something: if you go for “stupid” tweets (like “behind the scene” goofy content), hipster-style instagram posts, and boring tiktok videos showing someone walking down a corridor, yeah it can be a chill job. I don’t think it would be your job for long, but it would be chill. One the other hand, if you are (like she was) clearly starstruck, and want to do justice to your idol, the tweets/instagram posts/tiktok videos alone are going to take your entire day, at the very best. This is without considering that it also was her responsibility to somehow find people available for floatplane exclusives, and manage other stuff on the top of that…

      bluntly, I hope she names and shames those who were involved.

      Absolutely. With written proof or screenshots if at all possible, to make it irrefutable.

    • I look after the Twitter account of an online news site as one of my jobs, and even doing just the Twitter alone is so stressful and daunting. Because you have to use the right photos, make the text of the tweet interesting, use the right hashtags and tag the companies we’re talking about.

      It is a lot. Even though “it’s just twitter” like… it still takes a toll out of you. So seeing her workload sounded like hell to me. Like Twitter and Facebook are easy enough. But I’ve made some tiktoks here and there on my personal one and it takes a lot of my time.

    •  SharQ   ( @SharQ@lemmy.ml ) 
      2111 months ago

      Hopefully you never bought anything / floatplane membership cause Linus has boasted many times (and correctly) that literally any purchase from him would give him more revenue than watching all his youtube videos with ads on.

    •  keylogthis   ( @keylogthis@midwest.social ) 
      11 months ago

      That fucking douchebag tried equating adblocking to piracy in one of his videos. If I recall correctly, he also defended that position on a WAN show too, because of course, like he’d ever admit he’s wrong. I’ll never watch another LTT video… ever. I’ve unsubscribed from other channels for far less. I left reddit for what I feel is far less egregious then this situation when you factor everything. Because GN did an excellent job in showing how poorly accurate his benchmark videos are, but he could have gone even further. Anytime Linus talks about linux or the server platform, he is equally full of bad conclusions and misinformation. That wasn’t even touched on. Take Linus’s poor response and some of what we’ve learned with just how fucking toxic the work environment is there, and how rabid his fans have been. I’ll never give them another view. No one should recommend his videos or channel, and those recommendations should be discouraged in all tech communities.

      • His bad linux/server stuff knowledge comes from jake. This stupid fuck was so damn badly informed about truenas that they actually lost data because of him. And Linus still relies on Jake, even though he is clearly in waaaaaay over his head. Just overconfident, like Linus. This whole Team of higher-ups is so out of touch.

        •  keylogthis   ( @keylogthis@midwest.social ) 
          11 months ago

          The linux stuff is directly from Linus, just watch the Linux gaming rig challenge he did with Luke, the guy is a fucking moron. And on the server stuff I recollect from Linus when Jake was trying to get Linus to use TrueNAS instead of UnRaid and Linus kept making fun of the way TrueNAS did things because he didn’t understand it. Literally, only because it’s not like he is used to doing it in UnRaid… which honestly is par for the course because that’s the reason he doesn’t like Linux too. Simply because some things are not done the way he is used to doing them. It’s pathetic. Linus always bangs for the most pleb software like UnRaid or WIndows… which is fine, but then disparages anything else because he simply hasn’t taken the extra step or the extra time to understand it. He only wants to understand tech on a very basic and surface level because he’s nothing more than a hardware enthusiast gamerbro douchebag. He doesn’t actually understand any of the tech he talks about.

          Jake might not know how to use the tooling, and he absolutely bumblefucks around with it, but at least he’s trying to use the right tooling most of the time.

          • I really should have said “His bad linux/server stuff knowledge comes, amongst other factors, from jake”… Ofc, the man himself is an idiot, too.

            The fact alone, that he lets a writer, who is a hobbyist server/linux enthusiast with no professional experience in the field whatsoever, maintain that kind of infrastructure, should tell us a lot.

            Also, you are correct in saying that Jake is trying to do the right thing.

            • Yeah, I agree that Jake is just in over his head, and he should have someone with more experience taking care of those things. It’s one thing to be setting up Linus’s home with some selfhosted shit, but it’s completely another story to be setting up the company’s systems. One of the podcasts I listen to had Wendall from LevelOneTechs on… he talked a little bit about going over to LMG to help them. And he didn’t say it directly, but you could tell that it was an amateur hour clownshow over there.

        •  keylogthis   ( @keylogthis@midwest.social ) 
          11 months ago

          Adblocking is not piracy you dumb fucking nonce. I control what touches my network and my devices, if I block ad servers, that’s not pirating, that’s protecting myself from tracking.

          i have been a pirate since the age of 6 and i dont

          And I’ve done it for 20 years. I’ve had commercial free TV from torrent clients scraping RSS feeds since 2007, streamed over to TV running XBMC back then. Running CDs before that, 2003 and later in an OG Xbox with XBMC on it. And today I’m a member of 5 very sought after private trackers, and almost all of my piracy is automated to use those trackers and usenet with services that I selfhost like jackett and sonarr and lidarr. My knowledge of piracy sources and methods absolutely dwarfs yours.

          • Lmao first you are younger than me. Second I didn’t ask.

            As if you worried about tracking, using YouTube or other google services is beyond stupid and don’t tell me you are not.


            today I’m a member of 5 very sought after private trackers


      • His bad linux/server stuff knowledge comes from jake. This stupid fuck was so damn badly informed about truenas that they actually lost data because of him. And Linus still relies on Jake, even though he is clearly in waaaaaay over his head. Just overconfident, like Linus. This whole Team of higher-ups is so out of touch.

        • gotta play devil’s advocate and say that I at least see where he’s coming from. he wants his company to be a group of friends working together on stuff they are excited about. having said that, it’s not possible at that scale and with so apparent hierarchy. whatever he says, it is a boss-employee relationship moreso than friend-friend relationship (though I’m not saying it’s not both to some degree) and they could really use some unionizing