1. It’s really difficult to take such a heavily edited video with shitty music seriously.
    2. What exactly does this reveal? That the police use helicopters with various cameras and radios to communicate? Uh, no shit. Anyone that’s watched one of those police chase shows in the past few decades could tell you that.
    3. You know what everyone hates? Traffic. Shutting down a highway has to be the absolute worst possible way to get people to join your movement. It’s obnoxious and dangerous. These people deserve to be arrested regardless of what disperse orders were or were not given.
    4. Shining a laser at an aircraft is extremely dangerous. Ask any pilot how it can be blinding. The person doing that 100% should be arrested.

    And what exactly does this have to do with privacy anyway? Nothing here belongs in this community.

      • Sure, but what exactly does this video reveal? All I got out of it was that they have a helicopter with various cameras and radios to communicate with. I’d hardly call that “revealing state trooper surveillance capabilities, tactics, and communications.” Is it really something that’s not already common knowledge?

    • Is it? All I saw was a helicopter with decent optics, but nothing particularly special, and cops talking on low bandwidth radios.

      Even when we get to actual behavior, we see the cops starting with the assumption that they’ll be just telling people to leave and planning routes to do so, before it changes to arresting people for blocking a freeway. They make sure people are notified that they’re under arrest early, and the make sure they have adequate transportation before they begin the arrest process.

      Like, there’s plenty of scary and shitty things cops do, but this wasn’t one of them.