I’m going to be driving across the US in a couple weeks and want to know the best things to bring along for the ride!

  • Sunglasses. Sometimes the sun will be at just the right angle to blind you, and the sun shade won’t help.

    Advil or Tylenol or something like that. Especially handy if you forget the sunglasses.

    Pesto Bismol, some antacid tablets, etc. It’s possible that one of those those new restaurants or gas station snacks won’t agree with you.

    Toilet paper. Just because someplace has a toilet doesn’t mean it’s well equipped. Also useful if there’s NO toilet, but it’s an emergency.

    • Snacks - stock up at the grocery store, you’ll spend way more across the states in gas stations
    • Advil/pain reliever - you’ll get headaches staring at the road for that long, and muscles will cramp up
    • Water. So so so much water. Soda is fine but bring a few gallons of water
    • Get a good charger system for your phone, and make sure you can hook it up to your car reliably

    Oh and most important, bring peace of mind by getting your car checked before going. Go in and ask for a full inspection, tires, brakes, fluids, belts. I had a belt burst 8 hours from anywhere and had to sleep in my car, just get that stuff checked now

  • Slippers so you don’t have to wear shoes, make sure you have ‘radio.garden’ app on your phone so you can Bluetooth to your car. Sandwiches, simple home-made that needs no refrigeration for days, and a water bottle. Trash bags, small ones, and your chargers.

    • If you’re driving with someone, a good neck pillow for the passenger so they can rest when you trade off.

    • Back pillows for everyone.

    • Be sure to text someone everytime you make a stop for gas and let them know where you are, where you’re headed next and approximately when you’ll get there - that way if you don’t text they’ll know to call and have an approximate location to look for you.

    • building off the last item, add air tags in your car and belongings that you can track and also share the account info with trusted family/ friends to help locate you in the event something goes wrong

    • Bring little orange cones in case you break down or have to fix a flat. Safety first - vest doesn’t hurt either.

    • Download music or audio books as you won’t get reception in many areas.

    • good pair of sunglasses and a backup pair

    • extra prescription meds - split between two bags in case you lose one

    • cut proof and RFID blocking bag of some sort put your wallet, phone, keys in when you stop - fanny packs are great but not for everyone. Find one that works for you whether it be a backpack or something else. Travelon is a great brand.

    • stop for gas each time you get to half a tank. I know it sounds like overkill but you never know if you’ll be diverted for a road closure through the heartland with no services for 100+ miles. It never hurts to have a full tank, give yourself a stretch, bio break and caffeine refill.

    I’ve done road trips with a partner and solo - you’ll have s blast. Make sure you’re safe first and foremost. Do tons of research before you go so you hit all the spots you’re interested in and have backup plans in case places are closed. Take some pictures but also just enjoy your journey.

    Have a great trip!

    Edit: many swipe typos

  • I used to do a lot of cross country driving. Here are my recommendations:

    AAA membership if you don’t feel comfortable changing your own tires, a good lug nut wrench and bottle jack if you can do it. There’s a lot of areas where you’re “in the middle of nowhere” and it can take some time for any support to get to you. Make sure your spare has air. Audiobooks, podcasts, and playlists downloaded. There may be long stretches of no service. If you can download the Google Map or Apple Map for your trip, it’s not a bad idea. Non-messy snacks, gum, and a small cooler of drinks if you want to save money. Gas station food/ drinks add up. There are a few apps to check rest areas/ bathroom recommendations. I liked Trucker’s Path but it’s been a while since I’ve travelled like that so there may be others/ better ones. Get a dash cam before you go. There’s a lot of idiots out there. And the more you’re on the road, the more likely something could happen. Plan a little time to make some extra stops if you can. There’s a lot of neat stuff you can do on your way that you won’t know about until you see signs for them. Or check Google Maps for places to stop on your route. Get out and stretch your legs somewhere fun. And when you start to get hungry, look for good local spots to stop and eat. There are TONS of options that are so much better than the chain restaurants. Look for 4-5 star places in the area on Google Maps.

    •  Brad   ( @Brad@beehaw.org ) 
      9 months ago

      Make sure your spare has air.

      That’s one that most people don’t often think about. You just assume that you’re OK because you have a spare. Happened to me once, although fortunately not in the middle of nowhere.

  •  Bigs   ( @Bigs@kbin.social ) 
    1 year ago

    The advice here is good, but it may be a little too safe.

    If you want an adventure, use an atlas and truck stops like Loves or Pilot for snacks, a nap or shower. These places are rad, super safe and clean (the stigma is bullshit). It can be a little more expensive and take a little longer, but there are a LOT of great and interesting people in the US and it’s pretty much the safest it’s been since the sixties.

    Also, I recommend favoring AM or FM radio (in that order) to hear some wild stuff out in the boonies.

    Edit: Make sure your car’s lights are all working so the cops don’t waste your time. The US may be safer than it has been, but the cops sure ain’t.