1. Please keep it civil
  2. Lets try to keep AI generated stuff to a minimum
  3. If you want to reply to a comment please also make ot rhyme.

Everything always get so serious. Thought this could be a fun experiment to discuss a serious issue in a non-serious way.

  • To me the right has become mostly a meme

    Blocking political process is now the main theme

    The SCOTUS taking bribes left and right

    Gerrymandering going on day and night

    Most democrats have the appeal of The Simpsons’ Flanders

    He’s getting pretty old but I like Bernie Sanders

  •  tymon   ( @tymon@lemm.ee ) 
    1 year ago

    The rich get richer / The poor get poorer / When our time comes / No guilt for the horror

    or maybe

    The planet is burning / We die of starvation / Abolish the wealthy / And claim our salvation

    or maybe

    One, two, buckle my shoe / Three, four, overthrow the 1% and bring about a socialist utopia, etc

  • I always watch sadly
    Those giving their vote
    To people who’d gladly
    Cut open their throat.

    They follow their hate,
    They don’t spot the lies.
    Rich man owns the state,
    Rich man’s gaining weight,
    The poor one just dies.

    Edit: changed a line

  • The simple narrative taught in every history class Is demonstrably false and pedagogically classist Don’t you know the world is built with blood? And genocide and exploitation The global network of capital essentially functions To separate the worker from the means of production And the FBI killed Martin Luther King Private property’s inherently theft And neoliberal fascists are destroying the left And every politician, every cop on the street Protects the interests of the pedophilic corporate elite

    (Bo Burnham - How the World Works)

  • I yearn to be free

    To plant a tall tree

    Or maybe five or fifty

    A greener world would be nifty


    Power corrupts

    So why should we bother

    With coups so abrupt

    And Dictator Father?


    Yet democracy still

    Gives me a chill

    Tyranny of the masses

    Why the rose colored glasses?


    Corporate greed

    Is not immune

    From society’s bleed

    Into authoritarian noon


    So what, then? A king?

    Or anarchy’s kiss?

    How do we give up the bling?

    Live a life full of bliss?


    The truth lies inside

    The life we observe

    Is the one that we chose

    And thus, what we deserve


    If we want to be free

    Change from a few’s not enough

    Not just a million and three

    But collectively, all of us

  • Like tectonic plates, growing apart

    With Xitter and Facebook neatly doing their part

    The legislature doesn’t really care about me

    They get there money and healthcare for free

    Meanwhile, we suffer from this polarization

    Not just the US, but almost every nation

    War, corruption and global warming give me a hopeless feeling

    Almost on a daily basis, reading news leaves me reeling

    Am I just a pessimist or will we really fail?

    Are we watching the apocalypse in slow motion while wagging our tail

      • Donald Trump may have tried his best

        But I wouldn’t call his reign good

        No president for a while withstood the test

        They had not been as they should

        Since the 2000’s I’ve been around

        But they’ve all been meh to me

        He’s no different I have found

        And that’s fine, it’s a fact of life you see

        Tolerating their presence I can do

        Sitting through it isn’t a big deal

        It’s not like they affect me or you

        Presidents are sitting ducks, let’s be real

        As for the wealth issue you speak of

        Capitalism should add a few rules

        Otherwise if push does come to shove

        If we do nothing we would be fools