I recently built a new computer and am going through and playing all the stuff I couldn’t before. I was particularly excited for Dishonored 2, as I loved the first one. Unfortunately when I try to open it in steam it acts like it’s going to launch and then just doesn’t. I’ve uninstalled reinstalled, I’ve tried run as admin, I’ve verified the game files, I’ve ran it in comparability mode, disbled onboard graphics. Nothing.

I know this is an older game at this point, does anyone know of a magic bullet fix for this? It seems like a fairly common issue with no common solution whatsoever.

I’m on windows 10 if that matters.

    • Looking at the community page there are definitely other people with the same or similar issues. No unique solutions though. Just the things I’ve already tried (which I list in a different comment).

      This is so depressing.

      • Another common issue with newly built computers is that people often plug their monitor into the integrated video of their motherboard rather than their graphics card.

        If this is an issue exclusive to Dishonored, then disregard. Otherwise, you might just double check where your monitor is plugged.

        I see from your notes that you disabled the onboard video, so that’s probably not the use in this case.

        Best of luck! Hope you can figure this one out.

        • Monitor is plugged into graphics card.

          For those playing at home I have uninstalled, reinstalled, verified integrity of files, tried all combinations of running steam and dishonored as admin, there are no events in the event viewer, I have disabled onboard graphics, I tried running it off of a different hard drive, I tried starting it in windowed mode, I’ve tried compatibility modes for win 7 and 8, I’ve updated my graphics card driver, and there are no windows updates to apply.

          I’m basically out of options over here. Looks like I don’t get to play this game.

  • Does it just close or is there a very low res splash screen? I believe these are two issues I’ve had. The first was resolved by unplugging my second monitor and setting the desktop resolution to 1080p from 4k, the second was resolved by just waiting it out for probably over 15 minutes!

    • It goes “Launching” and the green play button turns into a blue cancel button, the title says running in my library list for maybe 4 seconds. Then it flashes “100%” (presumably syncing with cloud or something?), And then the cancel button reverts back to the green play button like nothing happened.

      I just tried going down to 1920 x 1080, then 1600 x 1024, no change in behavior. I’ve also installed it a forth time to a third different hard drive, file integrity verified, no dice.