I’ve written a few silly things that I’ve already published on my blog. Will it be okay to share the link to the published post here or should I copy-paste the content here? Any ideas or advises?

  • Well, I think that if it is done in a tasteful manner, that is, not flooding the community with posts, there is no issue with posting you blog or just copy-pasting here, if you prefer.

    Keeping in mind that this is a specific community for original shortform and longform writing, stories, worldbuilding, and other stuff of that nature.

      • I’ve seen it happen on here a few times, but sometimes the main thread switches and the comments remain from the thread switched from due to a website glitch. I saw your thread had switched in soon after I posted my response to the writing prompt thread I was originally on. I wouldn’t think it would be a problem to post links here since I’ve seen so many. You can probably use your own discretion to determine whether it would be safe to link to where your writing is.