If anything, shouldn’t it be encouraged, and even automated? I’m including even the ‘old’ stuff from reddit here. Reddit shouldn’t be the absolute owner of the content submitted by users. When I migrated here, it wasn’t because of me being against reddit users, but being against reddit the company. Copying the content here actually hurts the company in sense that they don’t get to then gatekeep the crowdsourced content.

  •  JoBo   ( @JoBo@feddit.uk ) 
    14010 months ago

    Most content that gets posted on social media is ‘stolen’ from another social media site. That’s not really an issue.

    But there are bots posting up threads from subs like AITA (complete with links to Reddit) where there’s no point engaging with a non-existent OP, so the threads do not get any engagement. And they often get posted in massive batches so it fucks up your feed too.

    Lemmy needs to develop its own culture and that is made harder by people trying to make it a mirror of Reddit.

    • Also, as long as it links there, it serves the completely ass-backwards purpose of actually providing Reddit with extra traffic. Probably not a lot though, I guesss.

    • Came here to say this as well. I don’t mind “stolen” content. That’s the only way I’ll ever see it, as Lemmy is the only media I usually pay any attention to. The links though are obnoxious. I have zero interest in following it to reddit, and as you said, there’s no engagement here. It’s a waste of space.

  •  Millie   ( @Millie@lemm.ee ) 
    3510 months ago

    It’s not that people think content from Reddit is stealing, it’s that we don’t want our feeds polluted with bots autoposting bullshit.

    Why would we want a whole copy of Reddit? Reddit is a toxic pit.

  • lemmit.online should serve your Reddit needs… I just find that automated post copiers or serial reposters don’t add value to a discussion. They never reply to comments for example.

    Lemmy flourishes by being its own thing, why would it need to perpetually be in Reddit’s shadow?

  • I think “stealing” from reddit is fine, but the automated stuff sucks. Lemmy isn’t just supposed to be a carbon-copy of reddit. Having everything flooded with reddit posts would lead to Lemmy just being a dead “Reddit archive” without original content or engagement. Just look at places like /c/AskReddit@lemmit.online , completely dead. Lemmy doesn’t even have the userbase to actually engage with such a large amount of content and having thousand of bot posts will be incredibly detrimental to the community.

  • If all you want is a clone of reddit, you can just go to reddit.

    Lemmy is its own community with its own users and culture that will develop over time. Let it grow organically rather than trying to make it reddit Jr.

    Nothing is stopping reddit users from creating content over here. But taking their content to a platform they’re not part of isn’t really fair to them, is it?

  • It’s kinda beat seeing a whole wall of automated reddit reposts from bots, nobody ever comments on them. But I get that there’s some content we may wanna see among it. However, I don’t like seeing links directly to Reddit, I’m not trying to give them traffic at this time

  • I think the strength of a community shouldn’t primarily be built upon content another separate community or platform produces.

    Now there are givens, like major news and art which “transcends” a singular platform. But repeatedly just lifting content from somewhere else (aside from if you are the creator yourself obviously and wanting to share to different platforms) and shipping it over here isn’t a good look when Lemmy wishes to be a separate aggregator from Reddit.

  • Not automated, but if you see something there that brings something on the table, by all means post it here. There’s nothing you can really steal from Reddit, and even if there was, go ahead and make it impossible to catch you. Companies like that don’t deserve any considerations from regular guys like us.

  • I’m copying my best jokes, anecdotes, and philosophical maundrings over manually, but

    1 ) only my own content, and

    B ) in ways that’s not “go look at this thing on reddit”, and of course

    ]I[ ) only in relevant communities or my own personal communy

    So, in summary: Sourcing and curation are key to this, and automating the process is bad for both.

  •  tko   ( @tko@tkohhh.social ) 
    1010 months ago

    The engagement is what’s valuable. You can’t have engagement without content, that’s true. However, content without engagement is worthless.

    With that in mind, if you “steal” a post from reddit and it generates engagement over here, nobody will have any problems with that. However, if you “steal” a bunch of posts from reddit and spam them over here, they probably won’t get engagement and therefore only serve to clutter the feed with empty content.

    It’s important to remember that Lemmy and the Fediverse is a community, just like reddit is a community. Each of those communities behaves differently and has different expectations. Once you learn the community and the expectations, it becomes a lot easier to understand what you should and should not post.

  •  Darkassassin07   ( @Darkassassin07@lemmy.ca ) 
    10 months ago

    Reddit shouldn’t be the absolute owner of the content submitted by users.

    And neither should you, nor anyone else here running a reddit scraper bot.

    If users want to (re-)post their content here as well, awesome, but automatically scraping reddit to repost other people’s content (which they then don’t know about, and can’t really interact with or control like it’s their own content.) is just spam imo.

    Create and post your own original content while letting others worry about their own content. People can make their own decisions, why should you have the right to override that?