•  Otter   ( @otter@lemmy.ca ) 
    3511 months ago

    Peace and quiet, no distractions

    Even if I’m at home, there’s other stuff going on during the day. At night everyone’s asleep, no noise or messages or anything.

  •  Millie   ( @Millie@lemm.ee ) 
    11 months ago

    I’m a night owl. My body wants to go to sleep around 6am and wake up at like 2pm, and if it doesn’t get to it will rebel. I used to struggle with resetting my sleep schedule all the time. Falling asleep during the day, gradually drifting later on my days off, and usually feeling kinda shit.

    Went back to working nights, driving a cab 5p-12a or 3p-12a depending on the day. I love it. I feel so much better. My body is never easy, but it’s a hell of a lot easier than it was. One less thing to worry about.

    It is hard to make appointments, and companies are always trying to call my firmly muted phone at 9am when I tell them not to, but it’s a lot more comfortable. I see all kinds of neat crepuscular animals and there’s like no traffic.

    I think it very much depends on your body’s natural rhythm. People like to chalk it up to ‘insomnia’, but that’s just pathologizing normal behavior. Nothing wrong with being nocturnal.

    • It is the same for me, except that I’m not in a position in which I can afford to wake up that late. I don’t want to let my sleep habits be shaped by society, but lectures and work say otherwise.

      •  Millie   ( @Millie@lemm.ee ) 
        11 months ago

        As far as we know you only live once. Personally, I’m not waiting around to hope for another go before I live my life the way I want to. Everything has a cost, but to me the cost is well worth not having to deal with all that bullshit.

  • Graveyards are awesome depending on where you are in your life.

    Hated working them in my twenties, wouldn’t mind so much in my thirties. I have always enjoyed the night, I grew up in a loud house and night time was the only time it was quiet and I could do what I wanted peacefully.

  • During the winter up north it’s bleak and cold for the trades, I’ll see the sun for an hour or so when I wake up. Personally I wake up every other hour during daytime sleeps, so I’m rarely well rested.

    But the pay bump is quite good, and there’s way less supervision micromanaging you.

  • I had 4 consecutive months of only night shifts. It was more relaxing at work but it felt like my perception of day/night was being distorted. Had short moments were it felt like day time was fake and it doesn’t exist, reality is not real, and other wierd sensations that I have no clue how to explain.

  • Like heaven. It was heaven. Nobody expected me to get up in the morning, I never had to turn on the alarm, I was getting up when I had a good sleep, not when the sun got up or whatever. Happiest years of my life.

  • I agree with a lot of the things people are saying here having worked nights for around 12 years.

    I loved the calm and having a completely different schedule to everyone else etc however the forced depression can be pretty horrible. Especially during the winters in the UK when I would often go weeks without seeing any daylight at all. This can really affect your mood and general feeling of well being negatively over time.

    Working days now I don’t really get any of those similar feelings, instead however I have to work with people and I dislike people generally, especially having to work with them so instead I have entirely different issues. Add on top of that having to do 5 day weeks as opposed to 3 or 4 I was used to working nights and I can’t choose which is better / worse.

    I miss working nights bit don’t miss that depressed feeling.

  •  Remy Rose   ( @MxRemy@lemmy.one ) 
    511 months ago

    i only had a nightshift job for a relatively short period of time, so my insight is minimal. personally, it mostly felt like being exhausted all the time, bcause the rest of my life refused to make any allowances for the adjustment in my sleep schedule. like, friends still only wanted to hang out when i should have been sleeping? same with setting up appointments, going shopping, etc etc.

    otherwise, i felt like if that wasn’t the case, i would have been pretty happy with it. mostly because there were less people overall to interact with in my waking hours, which was nice.

  • I worked nights for 7 years, I currently work swing shifts

    Nightshifts were brutal, especially during the winter

    It’s hard on your mental health, it’s hard to sleep, you don’t see the sun enough

    There’s few things as terrible as stopping and realizing the last time you saw the sun was months ago due to your work schedule.

    Working days again (though it as early as I’d like) let me feel human again.

    And for those currently working night shifts, get your vitamin D levels checked. They’re low, trust me.

  • Productive, as long as you don’t need to run something by someone from a different shift. When you do you pretty much delay that task for a day or lose a whole night’s work trying to figure out ways to get around whatever made you need that person.