• That’s difficult to say, because it’s entirely dependent on the destination.

        I like both urban and scenic exploration. I have trouble sitting around, unless my body needs the rest. So, I stray away from most “leisure” activities. Sitting on the beach for hours is not for me. If the destination has a high walkability factor, I will walk everywhere I physically can, and I will do it A LOT.

        I barely take any pictures. I find that they detract from my being in the moment, and they never capture what I hope.

        I do like thrifting for niche, often older electronics and peripherals.

        I like food.

        I like cigars, and love cigar bars, because the atmosphere and activity is excellent for meeting locals and travellers alike. That is one thing I will always scout out and do.

          • I went to Osaka, Japan earlier this year. I returned with 2 large suitcases packed full of retro video game consoles and peripherals. Their LaserDisc stores were insane and floor to ceiling with stacks of discs. I so badly wanted to pick through them, but LaserDiscs are notoriously heavy, and I couldn’t spare the luggage weight.

            A few years back I spent a year living on the road, all across the US. I brought back a huge haul that time, notable acquisitions being an Atari Jaguar and an NEC PC Engine.

  •  Mane25   ( @Mane25@feddit.uk ) 
    141 year ago

    Respectfully, I’m assuming a “vacation” here is a US-ism for what we in the UK would call a “holiday” (i.e. a recreational trip somewhere), I’m not sure if there are nuanced differences. To see as much as possible of the local culture is generally my aim, that’s my main reason for travelling. I’m not saying that in a snooty “high culture” way at all, sometimes the most mundane cultural things can be the most interesting. Also to try the local cuisine. I like trains, so going to places I can explore by train are great - Interrailing around Europe have been some of my favourite trips. Also I did a great train trip around Japan pre-covid.

    •  Dr. Wesker   ( @wesker@lemmy.sdf.org ) 
      1 year ago

      I think we (Americans) likely use “vacation” almost synonymous as you would “holiday”, with little-to-no nuances. We probably distinguish them from the term “holiday” because we culturally define “holidays” as various annual observances, religious or federal.

    • Does “vacation” have a different meaning in the UK? Or is it just not used?

      In the US “vacation” could refer to either a trip away from home for leisure, or just individually scheduled paid leave from work in general, even if you spend it at home in your PJs (aka a “staycation”). Not sure if “holiday” is used there for only the former, or also the latter.

      •  Mane25   ( @Mane25@feddit.uk ) 
        21 year ago

        The only reason I asked is that I wasn’t 100% sure what it means, I could have guessed. I got that it probably means the same thing, I just wasn’t sure if it would cover a city/train trip the same way I was thinking. I, personally, wouldn’t use vacation. If they mean the same thing I think probably the Americans have the etymologically better term, if anything.

  • I love doing what I’m doing right now: waking up early and just taking 3 hours or so to enjoy a couple of cups of coffee while browsing the internet with no hurry to be anywhere.

    I almost never plan anything ahead. I think it’s due to my undiagnosed ADD, but I’m really the happiest when I have an open schedule and can do whatever I want whenever the motivation strikes. One day, I might just sit and browse Lemmy or watch YouTube the whole morning, and another day I’m in my shed organizing screws for 8 hours straight without eating, drinking, or going to the toilet.

    Then, of course, there are the usual activities: long walks, mountain biking, cooking by a campfire, and the occasional trip with my family’s boat, etc. I’m basically the most boring person you’ll meet. I no longer even feel FOMO when I hear about other people’s trips abroad during their vacations. Good for you, but I have zero interest in that.

    •  1984   ( @1984@lemmy.today ) 
      1 year ago

      For me it’s more that I don’t get excited about things other people do. Like going to tourist hot spots. Worst places to be ever.

      If I can spend my weekend at home, it’s really nice and I don’t get bored.

  • Nothing, anything? I don’t actively plan for vacation except maybe where I’m gonna be. Once there, even if I am in another city, I go with the mood of the time and try not to feel obligated to do anything. If I stay home sometimes I end up doing things that were put off for a long time, I finish them, grab a beer meanwhile, afterwards, even if it’s in the morning as long as it’s hot and that’s it for the day.

    • I’m an American. The only vacations I’ve had in the last 5 years that aren’t work related trips have been staying home and cleaning. The big problem is lining up time when my wife and I both can take time off work, which has been nigh on impossible recently.

      To be clear, this isn’t bragging. I need a real vacation but the combination of COVID, wanting to buy a house, and my wife needing to spend her leave on things that aren’t vacation (sick leave, bereavement leave) has led us to not being able to sync something up since our honeymoon.

  • If I am traveling out of town, I try my best to eat locally at my destination city. I would rather get the flavor of a city by its local cuisine offerings rather than from its underpaid chain fast food workers that I can suffer at home 😂

      •  koreth   ( @koreth@lemm.ee ) 
        21 year ago

        Not the person you’re replying to, but I’m also a “try the local cuisine” person. A good percentage of the places I’ve visited have had some local thing that you’d have to really look for to find elsewhere. I don’t end up liking all of them, but I like the experience of trying something new. Some specific examples:

        • St. Louis, MO, USA: Gooey butter cake which is as gross and as delicious as it sounds.
        • Changsha, Hunan, China: Stinky tofu. The local Changsha style of stinky tofu is completely unlike the more common style you’d find in night markets in Taiwan or elsewhere; it’s only a little stinky but is dense, savory, and spicy.
        • Singapore: Kaya toast. Kaya is a sweet coconut-based spread and they put it on buttery thick toast. I was addicted to this when I was in Singapore for work.
        • Scotland: Haggis. It was… okay? Didn’t love it, didn’t hate it, don’t see why it has the reputation it has.
        • Jingdezhen, Jiangxi, China: Jiaoziba, which is a little local style of dumpling that’s rich and quite spicy.
        • Hiroshima, Japan: Okonomiyaki, a kind of savory pancake. Okonomiyaki is common in Japan but it’s usually Osaka-style. The version they make in Hiroshima includes noodles in the dough.

        In my experience, if you talk to a few locals, one of them will usually think of a local specialty and tell you where to try it.

  • I have a rough outline of things I’d like to see. Such as some tourist attractions , nature sites , zoos , museums etc.

    We do as many as we can but also eat out along the way. We avail of metro , trains and walking where possible. If the city has a river or canal tour we usually do that too.

    Mainly it is just to unwind and get away from the rat race for a few days.

  •  koreth   ( @koreth@lemm.ee ) 
    21 year ago

    Depends on where I’m going, whether I’ve been there before, and how long my trip is, but as a rule I’ll always seek out the local food and try to see a mix of famous big-name sights and weird niche things that interest me. For example, when I was in Tokyo last, I went to the top of Tokyo Tower at sunset (normal tourist sightseeing thing) and also went to see their underground flood-control tunnels.

    I don’t enjoy “sit on a beach and do nothing” vacations, but more power to you if that’s your style.