I have wanted to go on a road trip for a while, just driving off to nearby towns in my hatchback and exploring. I’d start small, like a day or three. The main thing holding me back is uncertainty of what to bring and how to do it, amongst other issues. I think I can figure out the food and sleep, but I was wondering:

  • Where to access showers?
  • Where to refill water?
  • Is it worth bringing a tent (could I set it up outside of a campsite)?
  • Where can I park when I need to sleep (that I won’t get in trouble for)?
  • Am I missing anything else?

Was hoping some of you might have advice. I don’t have a whole lot of good people to go to about this IRL.

Edit: Just wanted to say thanks for taking the time to respond!

  • From personal experience, be careful if you go on long stretches away from service stations. I almost ran out of petrol because the places my phone pointed me to refill were either abandoned or replaced with something else, or closed etc. This is how I learned Google maps is not that accurate the further away you get from cities. So plan carefully and with a plan B if you wander in desolate areas.

    • I’ve got road-side assistance and family I could call with cell service (and a battery if the phone was dead), else if I was without service I would have to flag someone down. Anything else I should do?

      • Get a prepaid flip phone make sure it’s charged, bring the charger and put the flip phone both in the glove department on the passenger side. This is so worst case scenario you can’t charge your phone at all, you’ve got something to immediately call for assistance. Put your contacts in before hand though