It’s going to rain all day where I am tomorrow. I had plans to go hiking, but that’s not going to happen. I have some video games I’ve meant to start, but I’m trying to think outside of the box. what are your favorite (cheap or free) indoor activities. I’m up for any ideas

  •  Manticore   ( ) 
    11 months ago

    Board games! I particularly like ‘party games’ that are almost activities, easier to get other people to try and they support banter/socialising.

    Here are a couple suggestions for playing with friends/family indoors:

    • Banangrams (2+ competitive scrabble race)
    • Codenames (2+ word association, or image association if you get the pictures version)
    • Gloom (2+ card game, good for story-tellers)
    • Dixit (3+ image association)
    • Telestrations (2 or 3+ ‘illustrations’/‘telephone game’ - basically Gartic Phone)
    • Just One (3+ word association)

    But maybe you want something that you can do solo…? I have a few I like doing for that.

    • Illustration. I do it digitally on PC with a drawing tablet, Krita is free art software.
    • Jigsaws. I have a special jigsaw holder I can slide under the bed so I can take as long as I want and not block the dinner table.
    • Sleight of hand. Depends on space. I wouldn’t twirl my staves inside, but things like poi, fans, card magic, yoyo tricks etc will work in a larger room.
    • Origami. I recommend getting dedicated origami paper as its not only prettier, its already perfectly square and its a thinner stock designed for folding.
  • I have numerous things to keep me entertained inside. Gaming, reading, cooking, music, being creative which at present is drawing using dip pen and ink. Sometimes I will find myself writing, it could be poetry or some mindless rant. Like you, I enjoy a hike, and on days with bad weather I often find myself plotting my next few trips using one of the many map tracking websites available.

    My plan for tomorrow, is building hedgehog houses. I will be doing this inside, but they will be going outside for any hedgehog visitors we get.

  • My family loves to mountain hike, car camp, swim etc. When there is a ‘wash-out’ (long duration hard rain) we play video games (mostly Diablo 4), play board games or take time to clean our home (dusting, mopping and vacuuming).

  •  qzyki   ( ) 
    211 months ago

    I second the board game recommendation (my personal favorite is the ancient game of Go). Playing a musical instrument is another great option. If you don’t own one, you can play around with a virtual keyboard on your computer, for example. There’s plenty of indoor hobbies to take up, e.g., sewing, drawing, reading, cubing, etc. If you are able to go to another place indoors, a gym is a productive option. My preference would be a climbing gym because it’s fun exercise.